
Topic: Taglines/Names

Suggest Name For Life Sciences Coe

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
Hello ,
Our company is setting Center of Excellence (CoE) for life sciences in India , to demonstrate its capabilities and experience across four key segments - Pharmaceuticals, Bio techs, Medical devices and CROs. Its a European company. The CoE will showcase companies credentials for global customers and highlight its accelerators across the life sciences value chain. Can you suggest some suitable good name for this COE? I will be thankful for your suggestions.
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  • Posted byGary Bloomer Member
    Dear abhishek.iiitk,

    The best model you have is the Earth itself, so why not something Earth related?

    Sphere One

    I hope these help.

    Gary Bloomer
    Wilmington, DE, USA

  • Posted byPeter (henna gaijin) Member
    Global Accelerator
    Global Life Science Accelerator
    Life Science Accelerator

    Truthfully, there are benefits to using the parent company's name, rather than a wholly new name for this. Instead, you can use a location/office name for this (in addition to the parent company name) and maybe a tagline that describes in less words what you described in your question.
  • Posted on Author
    Actually this name is required for Capgemini COE which has to be opened in Mumbai ,India. Anything which is innovative and close to life science must help. Thanks for your feedback.
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Roth Accepted
    LSA (Life Science Accelerator)
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks for all your help. if you come up with some some more names then post them. I will be thankful to you all.

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