
Topic: Research/Metrics

Tracking Success Of Rebrand With Questionnaire

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Hi Folks,

Having rebranded within the last 12 months I would like to use our annual client survey to track the effectiveness of our rebrand.

I am wondering would anybody have an example of a brand tracking questionnaire or would anybody be able to point me in the right direction.

Are there traditional questions that one would ask to get a true understanding of how our clients percieve our brand or would qualitative research be a better option?

Many thanks in advance,

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  • Posted bykoen.h.pauwelson Member

    If you have consistently measured your brand equity with the annual client survey, I would continue to do so and interpret changes from last year as a possible result of your rebranding efforts. For examples on measuring brand equity, see:

    一个艰难的问题是你能否属性y change to your rebranding efforts. Directly asking clients (eg 'did you notice our rebranding from X to Y and did you think it was in the right direction') directs the client to give you what you want to hear. More subtle probes such as 'did anything change over the last year regarding the industry and the brands you consider'. would be better
  • Posted on Member
    It's not clear what questions you've been asking in your client survey. Do any relate to attitudes concerning your brand, awareness of your brand (as well as competitors), and the benefits that clients seek from your brand? If so, you can just observe changes in these questions to understand the impact of the branding change (assuming there would not have been any additional changes in the past year which might also have an impact).

    Also, you need to keep in mind the goal of the rebranding effort. Was it to increase awareness? Resposition the brand to benefits that are perceived as being more important? Retaining existing clients? How have you been communicating the rebranding effort? If these are not included, you will want to add questions that are relevant to these goals. Also, if they're not already in there, you can add them now, send the survey to a portion of your clients, and send again in 3-6 months to another portion to observe differences.
  • Posted on Author
    Hi Guys,

    Thanks for the responses. The reason for our rebrand was to reposition in order to retain and gain cllients. Other factors were also included in the decision to rebrand but I can not go in to them.

    To boot this is the first time we will be measuring brand equity as the marketing function has only recently been established.

    With this in mind would you be able to provide me with a smaple questionnaire that was used for this purpose.

    Thanks again,

  • Posted bymgoodmanon Accepted
    If you haven't been measuring the brand image in the past, then any information you get now will not really tell you if the rebranding is having any effect. There is no independent and objective standard for "improved brand image" (with no baseline measurement).

    There are two things you can do:

    1. Get a professional researcher to design a qualitative study that can encourage respondents to "notice" any changes in the last year. It's not great, but it's a start.

    2. Conduct the baseline study NOW (after a year), and then again a year from now, and see if you see a difference. If you do, you can probably assume that this is the continuation of a trend. If you don't, then there isn't much reason to think there was much change in the last year either. (A significant rebranding usually takes a few years before everyone "gets the message.")

    Also, it kind of depends on what really changed. If all you did was change the name and logo, then don't bother to see if it made a difference. It didn't. If you've overhauled the core business offering and the way you do business (with or without a name change), then you need to research what people think of the company now. If any of your customers knew the "old" company, you can ask them if they noticed a difference, what's better and what's worse, and whether they like the old company or the new company better.

    Hope this helps. If you need help with research design or implementation, contact me via email (in my profile), and I'll be glad to make a recommendation.

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