
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name For Online Eye Wear Store.

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points

I am launching an online eye wear store and unable to get the right name for the same. All the basic and good ones are taken like, eyewearstore and

These are available

Firstly, which amongst the above do you think is right? Doesn't the "e" of online and eye clash? Is the double "E" better or the single "E", if you think these names are good?

最初我以为的名字s irrelevant to the trade, reason being, ben is short for my name and milan is the fashion capital of the world.
However I then realised the name needs to have something that people google on the net.
This should be good for my search results, right?

I am open for all your suggestions.

Thanks in advance.
Benny John

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  • Posted on Author
    Apologies for the back to back post, wanted to mention that is also available.

    However since I am on the initial stages, does this sound like a tall claim?

    Most names with best are always not necessarily the best.
    Benny John
  • Posted bymgoodmanon Accepted
    Of the alternatives you've listed, my pick would be

    The double-e doesn't bother me. And by using a few upper-case letters (as above), you can enhance communication of who you are.

    But the real questions are:

    1. Who is your primary target audience? Where do they live? What do they need? Why should they consider your online store? Answers to these questions might lead you to a better naming approach.

    2. How you will get people to visit the site? Simply having a site doesn't generate traffic. And if you are planning online advertising, most people won't even notice what the domain name is.

  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    I'm with Michael & Phil: or can both work (and in fact, you could cheaply buy both domain names and see which works better for you).

    As for your concern about which name is best for SEO, your new website will have a lot of competition, so people searching for frames, lenses, etc. won't likely stumble upon your website. You'll need to develop a strategy for making your website rank better than your competition to be found organically. That will mean inbound links, perhaps paid links, articles, online directories, etc.

    你的想法本+米兰可以更好的表达s: (and is available) and may produce better results for you, since a search for "ben milan" will find your website quickly (once people know of your name), while "online eyecare shop" will likely find your competition.
  • Posted on Author
    thanks for your reply. I like your suggestion on the upper case.
    My primary target audience are existing spectacle wearers.
    People who are online most of the time. The payment get away would cater to both Indian and American clients. Study has shown that 44% of the netizens in US of A buy online.
    I am still a newbie to e com and online advertising are all above my head. Nevertheless I am game for it and am religiously studying the same.
    I presume listing on the first page of a google search engine is most vital and I am sure this is going to be massively expensive. I do not have that kind of funds now and am planning to have a more interactive website that can be listed soon and effectively. Subscribing to blogs with a signature of a link to the website is my primary idea to get things going.

    thanks for your reply. I am selling frames, sunglasses and contact lenses. Of the three existing users should have no problem shopping for contact lenses as they choose a brand they are already using. You are spot on in commenting on the tangibility factor. This had me worried and still does. Usually for single vision lenses no markings are necessary and the fitting is easy. For people aged 40 and above markings and measurements would be a serious concern. As far as seeing how frames look on the prospective shopper I have asked my site designer to design an application that would require the shopper to load a default size photograph. All the selected models would go into a basket and clicking on the same would enable him to see how it looks from both front and side. The designer says its too hard to do things like these and would put me back good. Your views on the same are most welcome.

    I like the benandmilan sound. I think something about it is very stylish and feels good to pronounce too. However its very unlikely that they would google for the same unless I am able to do all the above online activities that you have mentioned. This would put me back extensively. I was considering as an individual to showcase the links wherever possible like in social networking sites and other blogs that attract good traffic and have a signature that is able to attract interest.

    I would like to mention that this is the first eye wear store in India and I have visited giarre in Italy which is renowned player in the European market. I was in touch with them for a long time and spent a lot of time and energy trying to get things forward. It failed miserably and I was very disappointed.This has me determined to start on my own and I have done just that. E com is still in its infancy in India and I hope to have an early players advantage in the future.
  • Posted byNovaHammeron Member is avaiable
  • Posted on Author
    I have finalised on as of now.

    closing the question. thanks for your responses.

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