
Topic: Other

My Most Useful Link For 2003

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
We all have a few sites we visit on a regular basis. So I thought that each one would care to share to the community the site he / she found the most useful for 2003 explaining briefly why.

It doesn't need to relate exclusively to marketing, but it should be a site that you value and that somehow helped you in your work.

(BTW, my favorite would bewww.snapfiles.comwhich provided me with several useful freeware: pop-up blockers, internet phone software, log analyzer, etc.).

Just pick one site, and sell it to the others...

ps. Please avoid sites you are commercially related to.
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  • Posted byBlaine Wilkersonon Accepted
    I a regular basis for the same reasons you visit

    Freeware, Shareware, demos, drivers, updates, and product reviews.
  • Posted byReadCopyon Accepted just couldn't do without it! It truely is one of the most reliable search engines I have ever used. ps. I used to be an "" fan!
  • Posted byChris Blackmanon Accepted
    Google. The fastest way to search, refine and nail down the info you need.

    It's my home page and the front door to the web, as far as I'm concerned.

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