
Topic: E-Marketing

In-house Or External

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I'm looking for some advice on email marketing tools. The small company I work for is in the process of updating our website and would like to offer an e-newsletter to our visitors.

Later this year, we would like to offer a free and pay membership program for our customers. I would like to use this database to send emails and specific promotions to our customers.

I don't expect our database to be more then 20,000 names. Should I use a third party email software (such as iContact) or is there an easy in-house software system that would work better. I would be the one administrating the program, along with writing the content, design, etc. I am the only marketing person in the company.
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  • Posted byjmitchell Accepted
    I use Email Marketer developed by Interspire ( I have found that bringing a tool in-house offers much more flexibility. I have used online tools such as AWeber, etc. and they are very good as well. I guess it just depends on the level of control that you want/need. I wanted alot therefore I chose an in-house tool.

    Interspire's tool is very simple to setup through an online wizard. Has some great features such as Split Testing, Triggers, etc.

    Hope this helps.

  • Posted byGary Bloomer Accepted
    Dear Rock,


    iContact, Constant Contact, and Aweber all offer the service you're looking for and they handle all the back end stuff, leaving you to simply write content.

    Having this task in-house is just one more thing to fret about.

    Farm it out and pay the monthly fee, and you'll be fine. If, after
    a few months it's not working, try something new, even if that means bringing it in-house. But generally, I think iContact will
    suit your needs just fine.

    I hope this helps. Good luck to you.

    Gary Bloomer
    Wilmington, DE, USA
  • Posted byNatashaChernavska Accepted
    Hi, Rock

    我个人认为没有问题在使用iContact或any other online service for your needs. The main question is - what works for you. You will never know what works better for you unless you test it or at least just put all numbers together and compare both ways apples to apples. Sometimes third party service saves you that precious budget money you so much need, and it may turn out that outsourcing may be cheaper than doing it yourself: outsources always are more professional in what they do for you. It also may work better if you do this in house. So, run a split test. Divide your database in two parts. Run half by yourself, another half - by a third party and look at the numbers: expense and revenue. Don't forget to calculate not only cost of your own time, but rent, electricity, depreciation - everything that you use doing it yourself. And compare with the numbers - revenue from the campaign and service cost - coming from using an outsourcer. Test at lest 4 campaigns to be able to have enough data to compare. And you will see for yourself.

    I tell you from experience: sometimes even something that worked perfectly for you in the past may change the way you don't imagine. And when it comes to marketing, research is one of the best answers to many questions.

    Whatever happens
    Good luck!

    Natasha Chernyavskaya
    Los Angeles, CA
  • Posted byNeil Accepted
    You would be sending from your own IP address so it could become blocked. Email Service Providers that are hosted solutions tend to Feedback Loops so that if someone clicks on the mark as spam button, the recipient is automatically unsubscribed from the list.

    Hosted solutions are optimized for sending out a lot of email. Even if the solution is running on your systems, you still are likely sending it out through your Internet Service Provider (ISP). It is unlikely that your ISP will want you sending out 20,000 emails.

    You should at least evaluate some hosted solutions. A good way to do that is to do a free trial of a few solutions and see which service and the support offered matches best with your objectives.

    I work theStreamSend email marketingand you might want to consider us as possibility.
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Roth Accepted
    Use a 3rd party solution, but ensure that your email list was permission-based. The 3rd party providers work hard to get emails don't get blocked by spam filters by ensuring that addresses adhere to the CAN-SPAM regulations.
  • Posted byNorwood Member
    We had an internal email system for multiple years and have recently switched to external. Initially it seemed like a good idea, to reduce costs by doing it ourselves but as time went by and our list grew, we decided to ditch the system for a third-party solution.

    Problems we ran into by running it in-house:
    - getting a new domain and IP address and constantly monitoring it for blackslists
    - having to go through IT to reboot the server when needed, apply patches, and figure out problems with sending out emails
    - have someone that was constantly monitoring the email system, making sure emails were sent out, etc.

    Since we moved to an online solution (Campaigner, from Protus), things have improved quite a lot! Unless you have a really small list and are willing to go through the steps (and pains) of doing it yourself, you will be better off looking at a third-party solution.

    How to choose the best one? Well... only you can tell what will be best for you. The previous answers have some great ones and I would also add:

    - Campaigner (
    - Lyris (
    - ExactTarget (
    - Vertical Response (

    A recent review of some services can be seen here:

    Good luck!

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