
Topic: Taglines/Names

Tagline For An Event Services Company

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hey all,

First thanks for taking the time to help me out.

I run a company that offers event/production services for corporate events. Essentially, we are a network of vendors who come together to offer a 360 degree production service. Each vendor has a specialty (i.e. Audio, Video, Lighting, Decor, etc.).

Company Name: Kaleidoscope Event Group

Competitive Advantage: Kaleidoscope Event Group is a network of world class vendors who have come together to provide a 360 degree production service. Each vendor is socialized, meaning that is all they do (i.e. only audio, only video), and that is what they are best at.

I am having some difficulty coming up with a tag-line that appeals to the CORPORATE target market.

I am looking for something that gives potential clients confidence. I'm not sure how to accomplish this (By stressing our knowledge, playing on the importance of their reputation, or stress how we use synergy to work together?)

Here are some tag lines we have played with:

-When your reputation is on the line.
-Your event reflects your reputation.
-Delivering events that live up to your reputation.
-Synergy is how we deliver events.
-We make you look good.

Thanks again for your help.
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  • Posted on Accepted
    The Full Spectrum Event Company.
  • Posted byHarry Hallmanon Member
    What an event client cares about is if you can pull off the event with as few mistakes as possible and on budget. They care about your portfolio, your experience and reputation.

    They don't care about your tag line. So if you feel you must have one use something that is descriptive about what you do.

    If I were you I would put your efforts into taken advantage of and building relationships.
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Member
    Producing Corporate Events Of All Colors
    Specializing In Corporate Events
  • Posted on Member
    优越的爵士vice. Superior Results.

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