
Topic: Social Media

Need To Buy Twitter Accounts

Posted by Anonymous on 110 Points
I desperately want to buy other twitter accounts with many followers. If someone can help me, I would pay nicely for your services. Please tell me where to go, or leave me your contact info, and I'll get back to you very quickly.
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  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Accepted
    Dear Davidakasten,

    Desperately wanting to buy Twitter accounts with many followers
    is one thing. But a larger number of followers does NOT equate to
    a larger number of buyers UNLESS there's an astonishingly high
    degree of SPECIFICITY for those followers in what ever's being
    offered as a solution to whatever the buyer's problem is.

    What does this mean?

    It means that any marketer moving in this direction is seriously missing the point—not just of social media—but of direct response marketing in particular.

    It means they're missing the point of connecting and developing
    a value-based relationship that offers great solutions, which, by
    default ALSO means they're missing the point of relevance,
    意义,突出,persuasive appeal.

    Without these things, marketing is NOT marketing, it's just noise.
    It's often said that the money is in the list.

    No. It's not.

    The money is in the RELATIONSHIP that's developed WITH the
    people on that list OVER TIME. This means a list of just 1,000
    ENGAGED buyers can, and often will trounce a bigger list of 10,000
    or even 100,000 less engaged people—less engaged in the promise
    of the outcome; less engaged in the projected future WITH the
    solution on offer.

    Any talk about "my list's bigger than your list" is bullshit. Size, in
    this case, is not what matters, it's relevance of message and the preference of the desired outcome.

    Not what you wanted to read I'm sure, but true nonetheless.

    Gary Bloomer
    Wilmington, DE, USA

  • Posted byBizConsulton Accepted
    Gary is right on with his response. You need to cultivate people's interest by providing content of interest in a reciprocal relationship.

    Anyone 'selling' a list does not likely value their followers very much, and/or are their users not likely to be very engaged: If you want to reach key influencers, there are websites to identify the biggest tweeters by category - Why not send them a direct message or post to their forums or blogs? If it's good, interesting and relevant content, they will likely retweet your message on to their followers or at least it will be there for others to see.
  • Posted byChris Blackmanon Accepted
    When you say 'many', how many is 'many'?
