
Topic: Advertising/PR

Ad/pr Campaign On A Shoestring Budget

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
Good Morning:

I'm in the middle of developing a health and fitness website and looking for new ways of getting hits to my site.

Can anyone offer some ideas on how to adverstise the site for little or no money?
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  • Posted byBlaine Wilkersonon Accepted
    I would recommend designing a newsletter and/or email ad to blast out to target demographics via email lists.

    Tim Pepper, a current Top 25 expert knows ALL the ins and outs of getting this going from start to finish.

    You can reach him

    Mention my name to get a more expedient response!

    I can design any graphics needed at a very reasonable rate. Drop me an email with specifics at

    Another avenue is posting ads in online bulletin boards and even your local paper! You may even want to consider placing an ad in a fitness magazine, but your are looking into more costs there!

    Other approaches are search engine optimization and "buying" placement within the search engines...again not necessarily expensive, but not cheap either!

    Word of mouth travels faster than the wind! You may consider joing your local chamber of commerce (around $300). They can provide you with demogrphic specific zipcode mailing lists to blast out a flyer to specific areas and/or people who are most likely to be interested in your site. The post office gives discounts for bulk mailing as well.

    Well, those are some ideas. Personally, I would start with an email campaign.

    Good Luck!!
  • Posted bywilliamarrudaon Accepted

    I think rather than advertising, you might want to consider some less expense and tremedously effective options. Here are a few:

    1. optimize your meta-tags...for serach engines so that you show up on the first page
    2. exchange links with sites with complementary information
    3. publish articles on the web with links to your site (you can use article banks and sites that accept editorial content)
    4. hold a contest and publish the contest on 'contest' portals
    5. include a 'send this page to a friend' link so that you can get more people interested in your site

    Best of luck to you.

  • Posted byChris Blackmanon Accepted
    Ensure everything you do off-line drives traffic on-line. E.G. all your business cards, letter heads, brochures etc should feature your web address.

    Advertise the URL in the window of your office, truck or car if you can. Make sure you quote your URL in every piece of launch media release, and if inteviewed on-air, get the URL out there up front and often in the conversation to give people as many chances of getting it as you can.

    Run a "member get member" promotion. If it's a paid subscription site, you could offer a scheme where the member who refers the most new signups gets a free subscription - maybe a lifetime subs? Nest it so if I refer someone who refers someone I get credited with both signups plus the member I referred gets credited with one... get it?

    Arrange with as many non-competing third-party referral sites to as possible feature a link to your site. The more links from others - the better your own search engine placement ranking. You can offer reciprocal referral from your links page - that way it's a straight-out contra deal and no money needs to change hands.

    If the site has some wide community interest, see if you can find a good PR angle ("helping disadvantaged groups stay healthy" or similar) and get your head on local TV talk shows where they can put up your URL on screen as you talk about the benefits and value your site offers.

    Offer to feature sponsors products and get them to put your URL and a "go to URL" message, with the reasons why, on their product packaging for mass-market exposure in the off-line world.

    目标人群的究竟是什么?还有什么其他media does the target audience access - and how can you get onto it with your traffic-generating benefits/value propsition and URL?

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