
Topic: E-Marketing

Clickthrough Effectiveness

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
So I have been working with the developers of a product now for a good while that is able to measures ad response way beyond the clickthrough. I am curious of the marketability, however, of this product. I am considering how much time I should invest....

Are online marketers open to new metrics that show more than the clickthrough? Would people be interested?
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  • Posted byInbox_Interactiveon Accepted
    I think you're going to have to provide a little more detail.

    Beyond the clickthrough? Marketers have been measuring conversions for some time now.

    Can you provide additional insight?

    The answer, regardless, is that you if you can provide information -- not data, but information -- that can make a business more profitable, then yes, they will be interested.

  • Posted bymgoodmanon Accepted
    It's hard to imagine what more you could provide that people don't already have. The only things that count are conversions / sales / profit and cost per new customer.

    Of course, knowing the efficiency of each source and each copy variation and each offer are nice too, but anyone who is reasonably sophisticated is already tracking those things already.
  • Posted on Author
    So sorry, it would seem I didn't provide enough information. "Beyond the clickthrough" is a bit ambiguous.

    What I meant is additional metrics Other than clickthrough - eg. people who saw the ad and then took other routes to pages (search engines, direct entry... etc.)

    Some work with a major publisher (37 million pvs a day) told us that we were missing nearly 30% of the responses that occurred just by measuring clicks.

    I guess my question is... what solutions are out there right now that provide this type of data, and would people be interested if it were scalable to them?

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