
Topic: Taglines/Names

Baby Planning/child Concierge Name?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
So I'm beginning a baby planning/child concierge business in the Minneapolis area. In the beginning services available will include child proofing, product evaluation, registry management, services for mom, baby showers, gift shopping, interviewing of pediatricians/nannies/service staff, school reviews and planning etc. Eventually I'd like this to grow to include an in-house nanny agency and private pay services for children with disabilities (hence the child concierge piece) it could even eventually grow into a retail store with products I've found especially useful/helpful/unique and products that are made locally/ethically. The company will definitely have an eco-friendly component and advocate green behavior with baby. I want the name to be classy and evocative of a more upscale business. I don't want it immediately associated with uber cutesy baby stuff since the services in the beginning will mostly be for the parents. It could either come from the business being located in Minneapolis, the eco-friendly component or strictly the service component. I'm looking for both a name and a tagline if at all possible.
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  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Here Comes Baby!
    Pitter Patter
  • Posted bymgoodmanon Accepted
    Tagline: A New Mom's Best Friend (after Dad, of course)
  • Posted byrjohnnion Accepted
    BayBees Planning: Anything. For Babies



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