
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name For Seminar Im Giving That Denotes Fun

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
Seminar is tired.
My talk is called "Cut Your Piece of Cake First"- Its about Womens connection to self. In my description- I dont want to call it a talk, seminar or workshop- Loking for something more hip.
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  • Posted bymdlugozimaon Member
    Do you want a new seminar name? Or a slogan? If a new name, do you want to stick with the cake theme?

  • Posted on Author
    I like "Cut Your Piece of Cake First" but I would love other suggestions--Im not married to it- It does not have to include the word cake at all.
    A womens seminar I am looking for a descriptive word instead of seminar-
    gab fest, chat, gathering, but those dont work either!
    I want it to be HIP, Different for grabbing attention- It can be irrreverant- Remember the Vagina Monologues? that was note worthy..
    TKs gang!
  • Posted on Member
    Cut Your Piece Of Cake First
    A Fun-Filled Day of Get-together

    A Slogan could be: Let's share. Let's talk. Let's have fun.

    What basically is the seminar about? Vagina Monologue is still connected to a girl/woman with the word vagina. What about a Piece of Cake?

  • Posted on Author
    Cake refers to a Mother who does for everyone and bakes the cake, gives everyone a slice and then might not be any left for her. So cake is a metaphor that most women can understand. Been there and done that.
    Looking for a tagline-
    Cut YOUR Piece of Cake First
    Its not about THEM!
    Cut YOUR Piece of Cake first!
    Self Care is NOT Getting your Roots done!
    Cut Your PIece of Cake First!
  • Posted bymdlugozimaon Accepted
    Diva Download
    Off My Chest
    Listen To This
    Chic Conversation
    Hear Me Out
    Love To Listen
    Soul Speak
    Tell Me Everything
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Member
    Learn To Take Care of Your Inner Baker
  • Posted bymdlugozimaon Member take the cake!
    There's plenty for everyone...even for you.
    Take the first bite.
    It's your right to take the first bite.
  • Posted bySRyan;】on Accepted
    Hi, Debra! The most powerful selling point for a presentation/seminar/lecture is ALWAYS the title. That means you need to get it right!

    I love the book CONFESSIONS OF A PUBLIC SPEAKER by Scott Berkun. He does a nice job describing how to write a title. Start here…
    …and finish on page 63 (about four pages total).

    Your cake slice metaphor is clever, but it needs some work to make it compelling, meaningful, and relevant to your potential audience: Mothers who make themselves the last priority. At the same time, you probably don't want to imply that this is gonna be a big fat pity party, right?

    All that said, let me toss out some ideas:

    "Feed Yourself First: Five Delicious Reasons to Become More Selfish"

    "A 3-Hour Event for Women Who Keep Putting Themselves Last at Home and at Work"

    Obviously you will know what words to change. But I hope this sets you in the right direction. :)

  • Posted on Author
    still need your thoughts! Have a deadline and you guys are very helpful.

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