
Topic: Taglines/Names

New Name Needed For Non-"lunch Lady" Food Service

Posted by Anonymous on 750 Points
Our medium-size dining services company provides pre-plated and on-site free and reduced price meals to students through the National School Lunch Program (NSLP). Over the past few years, we have tried to maximize our limited funds to offer menu selections such as locally grown produce and milk with no artificial growth hormones to our student population. We feel constrained because of the NSLP regulations and our current business model; however, we plan to continue this service because it meets a need.

In the meantime, a new market has opened up for us. Some parents are willing to pay for meals that include more expensive menu selections: organics, grass-fed beef, free-range chicken, etc. Our goal is to develop a catering company that meets the needs of this market and is not bound by the NSLP. The focus is on eco-friendly practices, food with a more natural flavor profile, and meal customization.

Here's the rub. This is not a totally new company; however, we want to distance ourselves from our existing image. One way to do that is to call the new entity something different. The people working on this project have varying ideas about the direction. Should we convey that we are eco-friendly? Should we "keep it real" because we are serving food with no additives, etc.? Should we emphasize that we are different from the typical school lunch service?

It would be great to have a unique name that somehow gets all of these messages across. Help!
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  • Posted bymichaelon Member
    I'm not sure if you're talking about this as an additional service within your current schools or outside the schools ala Seattle Sutton (tm)

    Personally those terms mean nothing to me. For those parents to whom they are important, you need to do a study to determine which clicks.

  • Posted bymgoodmanon Accepted
    有很多证据表明食品(services) need to have something in their name that says "tasty," "crunchy," "delicious," "satisfying," or something else that indicates you haven't sacrificed the primary reason people eat -- taste, belly-fill and mouth-feel.

    Several brands that were launched on the premise that they're nutritious or healthy (e.g., low-fat, etc.) have crashed and burned because they forgot to reassure people that they taste good. Same for foods that were positioned as convenient/easy to prepare.

    My gut feel is that you need a brand name for the new line that communicates "premium" or "gourmet" (in some way), hits the "taste button," and sets it apart from your base brand/company name. You may also need to name the base brand (e.g., "Nutrition Basics"), just so you can point to the differences in the new line.

    This is not something that should be decided based on a few quick comments on this forum. You probably need some one-on-one consulting from someone with solid branding experience. You can post a project in the "Hire an Expert" section of this site. Or you can peruse the profiles of the top experts to see if someone catches your eye as being perfect for this assignment.
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Member
    Better Lunches
    Farm To Lunchroom
  • Posted byNovaHammeron Member
    FREE Range Quality Lunches

    Bright Bites

    Luscious Lunches

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