
Topic: Taglines/Names

Play On Words To Name A Marketing Advice Column?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hi, I'm in search of a catchy, creative name (possibly a play on words) to name a Marketing Advice Column to be featured on a local website.

I'd love a play on words... I'm looking for something fun, fresh and inventive please!

Any ideas?

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  • Posted bymgoodmanon Accepted
    Is this a serious advice column or a kind of entertainment based on marketing questions? Who is the target audience? How will people find the column so they can either read the advice or ask a question?

    Since it's local, perhaps there's a way to incorporate the name of the area or some familiar landmark. Where is the audience?

    Is the primary goal to sell advertising on the site or to establish you as an expert (so people will hire you for marketing gigs)? Or some other objective?
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Member
    Marketly Great Advice
  • Posted on Author
    Hi guys, thanks for your answers.

    To answer your question: it’s a serious advice column: when is marketing not? :) The target audience is the people who live in Cape Town (South Africa) and surrounding areas, of any age, in need of some free marketing advice.

    c的建议olumn will be promoted via Twitter. The objective is to motivate people to interact with the company on Twitter and also on the company’s website. I do not work for this company (non-profit organization); I’m only a guest speaker.
    But this will, in turn, establish me as an expert.

    不幸的是,它是仍然非常hush-hush and I’m not allowed to give any details (company name, website URL, etc.) Thank you in advance for your ideas!

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