
Topic: Taglines/Names

Catchy Brand Name For Peanut Butter

发布的Anonymous on 250 Points
Hi everyone!
Would you mind sharing any idea brand name for a peanut butter. Our target market are kids.. so this must be someting that kids can easily remember.

What about tagline? if you can help also add tagline that rhymes with the brand name....

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  • 发布的Gail@PUBLISIDEon Accepted
    Can you claim a "special" mixture ... are the peanuts you use organic? Maybe highlight the region in which your peanuts are grown.

    There's lots of health value to peanuts and pure peanut butter (no sugar) so you may want to incorporate that with something fun, e.g. Nutty!

  • 发布的mopon Accepted
    When naming for kids, you have to think like a kid. Name your product something that they like to say, or find funny, without demeaning the brand. The important stuff, like organic or wholesome, which will convince the parent to actually buy the product, is secondary to kids. You want to drive the market through the kids' requests and the parents' acceptance.

    Not sure of all the existing brands out there, so I may be duplicating something already on the shelves... but here comes some quick ideas.

    P.B. Gooey,
    P. Busters

    Do a focus group with kids. It’s amazing what they can come up with. If that is out of the budget, watch kids in supermarkets, talk to them. Ask them what they would name a peanut butter.
  • 发布的Jay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Beanut Putter
    Peanutiest Butter
  • 发布的NovaHammeron Accepted
    Your Best Hunger Whakker!!

  • 发布的mgoodmanon Accepted
    Who really is your primary target audience? Where do they live? What brands of peanut butter are they buying today? Are you trying to reach kids or mothers-for-kids? What is your key positioning benefit? What makes your brand any different from the others on the market? Why should someone buy your brand?

    You're going to need some good customer research before you're ready to develop a marketing strategy -- or a name, for that matter. This is a very competitive category with some sophisticated marketers well entrenched.
  • 发布的SteveByrneMarketingon Accepted
    Some good ideas so far. I agree with mgoodman.

    Here are a few ...

    Silly Gilly Goober

    Silly Gilly Goober and the Nut Factory



  • 发布的SteveByrneMarketingon Member
    Goober is another name for peanut [C19: of African (Angolan) origin; related to Kongo nguba ]

    You can use the word "goober" in a brand name phrase just as you can use the word "peanut" in a brand name phrase.

    ex. Paul's Plump Peanuts

  • 发布的SteveByrneMarketingon Member
    ... and btw is available!

    So maybe Silly Gilly Gooberbutter as a person or characters name, with highly stylized illustration of the character to add personality to the brand image.

    Please see my profile for contact information if you would like to discuss.

  • Posted on Accepted
    How about
    "butter nutter
  • Posted on Author
    Hi everyone! Thanks for the feedback. really appreciated. Now i have enough ideas on how to pisition my product in the market.

    Wish me luck.

    Cheers! :)

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