
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name/tagline For Invitation & Party Decor Business

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points

I am struggling to come up with a catchy name and tagline for my invitation design business. I am currently designing a new website and would like to re-launch with a more polished and eye-catching image.

I design printable invitations and party decor, the files are emailed to the customer, they print it off at home and assemble it themselves. I also have a blog featuring lots of party ideas, real parties, recipes,etc. Similiar to Hostess with the Mostess or The Party Dress.

What I want is something catchy that can be registered as a domain name. The is the biggest stumbling block I've come up against.

I don't really want to have "invitation" or "inviting" in the name.
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  • Posted on Author
    1.是的,我明白,它是我的responsibility to check domain name availability. I guess my reason for mentioning this point is because a lot of the name combinations you would normally associate with invitation sites are unavailable which is really pushing me to think outside of the box.

    2. My reason for looking for something that doesn't include "invitation" is directly related to my first point. A lot of the variations of names with invitation are already registered domain names. I also wanted something a little less generic and more catchy.
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Member
    Here's a couple of domains that are available, although they contain "invitation" in their URL:
  • Posted on Member
    I like plays on words, like

    Prince of the Party

    Party Prince

    Your Personal Prince

    Where Prince sounds like Prints...I would buy both URLs tho - and
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you for all of your input! Unfortunately none of these suggestions were quite what I was looking for.

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