
Topic: Career/Training

Where To Advertise A Marketing Job In San Fran?

Posted bycathymon 50 Points
Hi - please excuse this dumb question but I'm based in Australia and need some local US advice.

I need to advertise a mid-level marketing position for the software industry. The job is based in San Francisco. We are thinking of advertising on:

Are these the most appropriate sites? Thanks in advance for your help!


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  • Posted byHarry Hallmanon Accepted
    I would try Linkedin first using your connections and see if you can unearth someone for free. Monster is also good. You can place a listing on Marketing Profs as well.
  • Posted on Accepted

    Now a days, recruiters are also leveraging the social media like facebook, twitter etc for candidate search. Your opening will spread more fast on such social networks rather then job portal, as your opening will be like just another opening. Now a days, a job seeker might miss to visit any job portal, but never misses social networking from it's daily life.

    Hope you will get your suitable candidate soon.

    Nishant Manchanda

    I do your bit now.

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