
Topic: Research/Metrics

Questionnaire Design

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I want to design questionnaire for management and their customer, I managed to draft questionnaire targeted for management for my target company, l now want to draft questionnaire for their customer. The question is how do l draft them> Should l just convert management questiona and simply them to layman level or should l draft different questions
2.当l发送我的问卷管理l only managed to get response of less than 20 people is this ok to analyse my data with this number if so how. At least how many respondents should l have for quantitative data. Will my dissertation pass with this number? of respondents. I am working with 4 big companies and they can provide more respondents since my area of focus is still new to this industry.
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  • Posted bykoen.h.pauwelson Accepted
    Q1:你应该从scrat开始ch and construct different questions for customers versus managers. Remember: you want to get their specific insights, but also have to interest them enough to get many and good quality answers - so your questions should appear relevant to the respondents

    Q2: What is your response rate (i.e. what is the total population of managers, how many did you send the questionnaire and what % of those did respond? If that % is low, I would first update/improve my questionnaire based on respondent feedback before sending it to more people....

    Hope this helps good luck
  • Posted on Author
    Thanx koen for your response it will definitely help

    Q 1 Thanx will include that in my construction
    Q2 I do not have the exact number of managers at those companies. but l was aiming to get at least 30 managers from each company. However my response was 30%, 15 % and 20% which is small so the average response for all companies is around 30%. I used electronic because all were not willing to use hand copies. I do not have other companies l can focus on.
  • Posted on Accepted
    If you don't know how many managers there are at the companies, how do you know your response rate?

    A 30% response rate to an email survey invitation is actually quite high. But if you only have 20 responses, that suggests you don't have very many email addresses to begin with. Can you get more?

    Sometimes asking vendors and their customers the same question can be quite telling. It is also common practice to ask vendors what they think their customers believe and compare that to what the customers say they believe. There is quite often a great chasm between the conventional wisdom about consumer beliefs and actual consumer beliefs. This is particularly true when considering the relative importance of features and attributes. Salespeople are notorious for projecting their own personal preferences when answering the question: What is most important to your customer about the product you are selling?
  • Posted on Author
    Thanx Philip for your response,

    I will try to push for more respondents but some of the companies already stated that they cant increase the number as they are only comfortable with giving people who have direct and in depth knowledge of the topic at hand. The companies are are not willing to give me the number of management they have. Someone mentioned that l can use t distribution to analyse the current data. How authentic is that?

    About the customers and management l will consider that.

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