
Topic: Taglines/Names

Used Car Dealership Name Ideas Required.

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points

I am opening a used car dealership in Toronto, Ontario. I need a creative and memorable name for my dealership. Besides selling used I will also help people buy cars from the auction. I have some suggestions for the name and would appreciate your thoughts on the names.

True North Auto Sales.
Carmistic Auto Sales.
Carsala Auto Sales.

Let me know what you think of the names. If you have any other suggestions please let them know.

Thank you,

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  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Any of the suggested names could work, but none of them tell people you sell used cars, nor help people purchase from auction, nor describe what region you serve, nor what types you specialize in selling. How much of your business will be auction assistance vs. direct sales?
  • Posted bymgoodmanon Accepted
    I kind of like True North Auto Sales because it does say you're Canadian. It would be good if you can be more specific about the services you provide, but that's probably asking too much for a name. You already have 4 words in the name, so you certainly don't want to add any more. Maybe the best route would be to come up with a great tagline to go with "True North Auto Sales."

    Who is your primary target audience? What's the most important benefit you provide for them? What words do they use when they talk about selecting a used car dealer? If you haven't researched that market, you should probably start by doing so. Even talking with a dozen people in the target audience would give you some great direction.
  • Posted byacquafiedon Accepted
    I like True North, the other two seem odd to me - I don't know what the words mean or represent.

    What about something like:

    True North Auto
    Sales and Concierge Buying Service

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