
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need Catchy Name For 85th Anniversary Promotion Da

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
My company will be celebrating its 85th anniversary in 2012. We will do a special day of savings one day a month offering huge discounts. I want to create a special page on our website to promote the special day of savings and am looking for help coming up with a clever name for the one day a month promotion. The name needs to be pretty short & consise.
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  • Posted bymgoodmanon Moderator

    Separate question: Why do customers get a savings day just because you work for an old company? I don't get it? Is there some rule that says old companies have to lower their margins?
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    12 for 2012
    Monthly Anniversary
  • Posted bysmlhuron Member

    I have a question where do I write something that I need help with?
  • Posted on Member
    Hi Susan. I'm just curious... is your savings day part of an overall strategic anniversary campaign? At The Anniversary Company (, we always recommend that anniversary initiatives are strategically tied to the organization's overall business objectives. It's great to offer the savings, but it would be better if you can demonstrate the ROI.

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