
Topic: Advertising/PR

Promoting A 1-day Event For A Service Business

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
My customer (a dentist) is wanting to giveaway limited dental care services for one full day to folks in our town with no dental insurance. He and his partner are opening the practice and hope to see at least 75 people (100 is the max). This is their way of giving back to the community after 16 years. If the program works, they would consider doing it again on a regular basis. Not all services are offered: teeth cleaning, tooth extractions, dental health evaluation, oral debridement are a few of the services they are considering. They are asking me for help in developing and implementing advertising (public relations) for this one-day special event. Goals: they want people there (patients who normally won't see a dentist due to finances), they would like some positive public relations with the general public, and they want their employees to feel good about the entire event. (The hygienists and others are NOT donating their time...the office will be open as regular but with only non-insureds being seen/treated without any payment expectations.) What are the top two or three "must do's" to fulfill (exceed) my customer's expectations?
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  • Posted byGail@PUBLISIDEon Accepted
    I can suggest a "must don't" ... don't use pictures of or have television stations shoot those who visit your dental care free day. People are entitled to their privacy in this case, and not only would showing their faces potentially embarrass them, but it violates health privacy laws, as well.

    Share your story in advance of the event with area media and if reporters/photo journalists understand the parameters of what they can shoot and you trust the situation, invite them to visit the event.

    There is a group of community dentists that conducts a similar event on a larger scale in Milwaukee each year, and it always results in great media coverage.

    Good luck!
  • Posted byCarolBlahaon Accepted
    You have a tiger by the tail. I truly cannot express the enthusiasm I have for this event.

    Locally a group provides haircuts and tattoos to those who cannot afford them. The venue has grown to a collesium size venue with a line out the door.

    Surely if I had to choose between rent and "ink" I'd pick rent. But if I had a nagging tooth ache vs rent, I'd have a morale dilema. I might just tell the landlord "surely my rent cheque got lost in the mail.. ah if it's not there by Friday I'll write another".

    你不需要显示客户面临的message across. A local chiropractor gets more than his share of press for a one day Christmas light display. You are offering a life quality changing event.

    I'd do no appts. Sign in and be served. Otherwise you'll have a ton of no shows and those who are in the door will be turned away. Remind the docs, this is a different world they will be serving.

    Do not assume people without insurance cannot charge for dentistry. For years I opted out of dental insurance-- I only needed routine cleanings so I was ahead of the game without insurance. Which is another reason to not do appts. If you can afford it you may book a freeby, but would give up your spot to someone else if you had to wait in line.

    The staff should have a positve image, no one including the docs is donating their time. They need to see a higher power of quality of life.

    Be lazar sharp in attracting those who would need your service and appreciate it. As in the example of hair and tattoos. No one was turned away, but the event wasn't advertised as a free day. It was quietly marketed to those who'd benefit most. (go to your social services groups) and that is the hook the press bit into.

  • Posted bymarketbaseon Accepted
    Such dental clinics are offerred semi-routinely in our market (every other year or so); there is usually a mention in the local news media about the upcoming event and coverage (print and tv) on the day of the event. From what I have seen, each clinic delivers HUGE turnout. If you want to keep it to local needy in your specific town, I agree with Carol Blaha with going to local social services groups, the senior center or perhaps doctors (incl. pediatric) offices who can indentify patients who would benefit most from dental care but are unable to pay for it. Establish parameters: date; specific time frame; first come first served; age limits?; list of services offered for the clinic; waivers to be signed by individuals. Prepare "goody bags" for each patient to take home: a toothbrush, floss, sm tube toothpaste, etc just like the paying customers get. If everything works out, perhaps it can become an annual event; the dentists and staff are contributing a valuable service to the community. God willing, community leaders will step up and recognize the entire practice for the gesture!

    Best of luck,''
  • Posted bySallyon Accepted
    I would consider working with a social service agency for this first event. Select one that supports the type of individual/family that your client has identified for this event.

    Have the organization help to schedule the clients for the day; you don''t need to broadcast community-wide in advance. Then, look to do your PR on the back end...testimonials from the agency, some of those serviced, etc.

    You can have a win-win-win here for all involved. And, people may not be embarrassed to take advantage of this generous offer.
  • Posted byrsvptoon Member
    I put on fun adult scavenger hunt races and have been using groupon and living social to promote our events. When they decide to run the ad correctly and it is their decision, we sell hundreds of tickets. But more and more they are doing a poor job. I am looking for a way to spend money on advertising that will lead to ticket sells to our events. We've tried several times doing radio campaigns and failed. We want to spend about $5,000 per city. Really looking for someone who is very experienced with advertising one day, once a year events. Any one have any ideas?

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