
Topic: Advertising/PR

Launching A Business As A Financial Advisor

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I work for a firm of chartered accountants and one of our staff is due to be branching out as an Independent Financial Advisor in a few months. This will be a separate company and it will need to be launched with some kind of event.

I am looking for ideas for a type of venue and theme with which to launch the company. Financial Advice is typically quite dull, so it would be good to make the launch event as innovative and exciting as possible.

Also, if anyone has experience of launching and/or marketing this kind of business and has some hints and tips to share, please do so! I need to make a success of this project and would be grateful for all the help and ideas I can get.

Thanks very much in advance!
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  • Posted byGail@PUBLISIDEon Accepted
    Since it seems as if you'll be helping the individual branching out, I take it that these firms will be somehow related? If so, and the current firm is well-respected, use that benefit; share how the independent firm will compliment the first, and play off that. People do business with credible institutions that they trust.
  • Posted bymarketbaseon Accepted
    Since the company will be a sister company, consider blending the title: Independent Certified Financial Planner. Would this sister company be using existing name, logo design, etc of the parent company? There are several thoughts on the matter of evolution vs. revolution. If the issue is that the sister company is essentially a branch out from the original tree, it might be best to keep the same image (design, colors, etc) to get the visual/mental impact of relativity/stability through to clients and/or customers. Perhaps sponsoring a private educational and/or informative session to select potential clients/customers (include referrals from existing clients/customers of parent co) may help launch the endeavor. Invite the media (trade publications, local, regional financial news reporters, etc) for additional PR potential.

    Best of luck!
  • Posted bySallyon Accepted
    As you branch into this new field, keep in mind that there are a lot of regulatory compliance requirements including all marketing materials, blogs, letters etc. Depending upon which group you need to review through, it could take a while. Therefore, you will need to understand the timing before setting any dates.

    Several accounting firms have added financial planning and transition planning (separate operations) to their practices.(Pennsylvania) You may want to reach out to non-competing accounting firms that are similarly structured for some guidance.

    The key question for an opening celebration is who is your target market? Individuals? Current accounting clients? Professionals? Strategic alliances? Depending upon your primary target, you might be able to set up an educational program which can be targeted to areas of expertise of your new sister company which then introduces your new company.

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