
Topic: Taglines/Names

Tagline Builder/contractor

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
我开发建设者的标语/承包商who is starting out and has done phenomenal work on homes and small businesses. He is wants to convey that he will make the project 'easy' and 'stress free'- making the logisitics and all else seem effortless. Kind of like Soutwest "makes flying easy"

He is able to look at something, listen to what the person would like to do to that house or small business, and understand their vision. He is exceptional at being the person you go to when you have an idea or vision for your final project but do not know where to start.

Hope this explains it well. Also am playing with "your vision is our dedication, and your _____ (do not want to use "satisfaction" here but something like it) is our reward"

Thanks- and love ideas
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  • Posted byGail@PUBLISIDEon Accepted
    Building in your image

    Our Building with Your Vision
  • Posted byCarolBlahaon Accepted
    You will have to be careful with his USP -- as someone from this field almost everyone feels they can do this. That of course takes out the builders who just order take, we call them "bid monkeys".

    your vision is our dedication, and your DESTINATION our reward

    your vision is our dedication, and your HABITATION our reward

    You may not at first think this flows, but think longer. Those are very strong words.

    I was just thinking of the monkey thing. In building, a contractor falls like a house of cards when things are wrong, -- see no evil, hear, speak no evil. Its a finger pointing game of avoiding responsibility. Maybe do the 3 monkey thing and advise "don't hire another monkey". Or just monkeys and curly tails hanging from the roof. Anyone who's built a home knows this frustration and few actually speak of stepping up to the plate when someting is wrong.

  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    We build your dreams (or dream home)
    The Stress-Free Contractor
  • Posted bymarketbaseon Accepted
    For consideration:

    XYZ Contractors/Builders:

    We deliver living and working environments to suit your needs.

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