
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name For Nurse Staffing Agency

Posted byshay.demosson 250 Points
I am a Registered nurse RN looking to start a nurse staffing agency. Am looking for a catchy name that is easily remembered and says what we are about- providing quality nurses to facilities in shortages
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  • Posted bySteveByrneMarketingon Accepted
    First question - don't all of your future nurse staffing competitors claim the "providing quality nurses to facilities in shortages" marketing position? Your statement is really more of a market segment name than the basis for a business name.

    Have you researched the market for this service? What did you find out about the current needs for such an agency? Why is there room or demand for a new agency? How will your services be different/unique/better than the choices already available to your target audience? Who is your target audience and where are they located?

    You haven't provided us with enough information to give any business name recommendations.

  • Posted byshay.demosson Author
    是的,我所做的研究or my area which is Southern New mexico and have worked as a agency nurse for 3 years now. What will make my services different is actually hiring and placing competent nurses which is something most agency claim to do but dont actually do
  • Posted bySteveByrneMarketingon Member
    Charter Nurse Staffing
    The Guaranteed Satisfaction Agency

    Note: Charter is a document, as in a "guarantee document". You will need to define your guarantee, in writing, to go with this naming solution/benefit positioning.

    Good luck.
  • Posted byNovaHammeron Accepted
    High-Caliber Nursing Agency

    this name implies you have vetted them as competent/proven nurses.... and has that memorable hook you wanted.

    If that is to cheesy - Oncall Nursing Solutions would get the message across too.

  • Posted byNovaHammeron Member

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