
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name For A Dairy Farm

帖子ed byamar.kbabuon 500 Points
Dear All,

I already have a dairy farm and have been producing milk. Till now I have been selling to the local people. However, now I would like to package it and do retail selling for which I need a catchy name which people can own it. Our USP is "Pure and Organic milk" No additives what so ever. A Two Word name which gives a psychologically feel good effect would be more preferable. I would really appreciate if a tagline is also given along with the Name. I need a name to apply for a bank loan. Would really appreciate a quick response.


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  • 帖子ed bymgoodmanon Moderator
    Who is your primary target audience? Where? Perhaps some reference to your location would communicate the "local" and "familiar" nature of your dairy farm.
  • 帖子ed byMoriartyon Accepted
    I presume you will be applying to a Gramin bank? What is their advice on this issue - after all, they are the ones in the know.

    As to incorporating yourself, this again is a question for your bank. Your country has different laws from the US. Please remember that this is forum is focussed on the US market.

    Now, I am out on a limb here: nevertheless, try "Daisy Dairy". Daisies always suggest fresh grass and imply fresh milk ...
    Your tagline could then be "The Purest Organic milk".


    To your success, Moriarty

    *Daisies are English and should be well known. A friend of my father was talking about robins. My father was confused by this as we lived in Ndola at the time, where there are no robins. "Oh" the friend responded "I see them every year on the Christmas Cards"
  • 帖子ed bymgoodmanon Moderator
    Regarding Moriarty's comment: "Please remember that this is [sic] forum is focussed on the US market."

    Not so.This forum is focused on MARKETING. We have experts from all over the world, and people from six different continents participate. The thing we have in common is that we're into MARKETING.

    Two of the top 10 experts overall are from Australia, and most of us are either teaching or working as marketing professionals (or both).

    Yes, most of the questions come from the U.S. And the majority of the top experts are located in the U.S. But to view this forum as "focused on the US market" is simply not accurate.

    And the suggestion that you incorporate was likely a well-meaning way of saying that when you increase your exposure, you also accept an increased level of potential product liability. I doubt that it was intended as specific legal advice.
  • 帖子ed byMoriartyon Member
    Mr Goodman

    should you perhaps have marked your comment "off topic"?

  • 帖子ed byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Purely Organic
    Purely Milk
    The Organic Dairy
    Simply Milk
  • 帖子ed bySteveByrneMarketingon Member
    You didn't say if your milk is raw or pasteurized? If it's raw milk, you might want to include this in the tagline (and you have even higher levels liability exposure)

    Also, where are you ... country/region/state/city?

    The reason I ask is you could go with Jay's suggestion of "Simply Milk" and then add your "place", so your name would become "Simply Milk of xxx" to distinguish the name from any other Simply Milk names that are out there as trademarks, domain names and the like. Then you could modify your USP for a tagline that reads " Pure & Organic Dairy" so you don't repeat the word "Milk" in your tagline.
  • 帖子ed byamar.kbabuon Author
    Hello All,

    Thank you for the quick responses. I am from INDIA/Hyderabad. It will be pasteurized milk sold to the retail customers. I liked "Daisy Dairy" . However, Looking for more responses. Where is the stop for Greed :-) . Once again I thank you all who posted their responses.

    I am looking for more Names. Thank you very much.
  • 帖子ed bymgoodmanon Moderator
    How many names do you need? If we come up with a dozen more suggestions, how will you decide which to use? What are your criteria for picking a winner? If we know that in advance, there's a much better chance we can deliver right away.
  • 帖子ed byNovaHammeron Accepted
    Mrs Dairy (that motherhood purity thing)

  • 帖子ed on Accepted
    Feel Good Milk
    Garden of Milk
    Milk Made
    Nothing but Milk

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