
Topic: Research/Metrics

Thesis - The Start Up Phase

Posted byjsa.camachoon 125 Points
Hi there (again),

I started this previous topic://

And it gave me some great help. I decided to continue with the research I was planning on doing (also due to the fact that none of the companies I contacted here, contacted me back or didn't have a thesis assignment & with the deadline coming close so yea....)

Before starting I knew it would be a lot of work, I've been doing a lot of research. Made a list of potential companies/people I could contact, looked at some some old thesis regarding tourism (development) sustainability etc. I've looked at some reviews of people who visited the islands before, interviews with local businessmen. Which all lead me to believe that there is indeed a need of something else (than just the luxury resorts).

However, starting this I've come to realise that I'm more of a person that sees opportunities (don't know how to put it) and sees the strategy (steps) on how to get there, with taking several factors in to consideration.

I'm currently writing the thesis proposal, for the research methodology I was thinking of doing an interview/survey with the resort owners there, people that have visited the islands before & people who havent been there before, just to figur out what they would be looking for in a vacation to a sunny destination. - I believe that this should cover whether there is/should be a different type of market rather than luxury

With this thesis I want to keep an eye out for sustainability tourism (economic wise and ecological) and the branding of the country.

I don't know whether it is that I want to corporate too much in this thesis, or that the research is too narrow.
Because when it comes to set up the research questions/objectives my mind goes completely blank.

Since I got great help last time, I would like to ask for some different opinions and advice :) and what type of research question would pop up into your mind, when reading this?

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  • Posted byjsa.camachoon Author
    Might have placed this in the wrong section...
  • Posted byMoriartyon Accepted
    Don't worry where it is, it's there and people will have seen it.

    天晚了,我很忙。明天是the Troonswisseling - so please bear with me if I don't respond sooner.

  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Don't forget to also consider the competition (other resort destinations). If someone hasn't been to Cape Verde before, how can you assure them that this is the right place for their vacation? Why would they choose this instead of other destinations? Consider this line of questioning to conduct a full-fledged SWOT analysis. And don't forget - it's not simply the destination, it's the entire process of getting to/from the destination. How easy/difficult is it to visit? Language issues? Economic issues? Safety issues?
  • Posted byjsa.camachoon Author
    @Moriarty: yes the troonwisseling is quite a big thing :) it's been a long time since we had a king.

    @jay Hamilton, yup all of that I had also written down, also planning on doing analysis on the "new" european budget flight operators that are flying to that country now. I was also thinking of comparing CV with the canary island, they are not far located from each other. But one is a well known vacation destination.

    The problem I have now is with the start up of this. Like formulating the research question (taking sustainability, branding and all of this in consideration)
  • Posted byMoriartyon Member
    Take a look at Google's display network. It's amazingly flexible and should help you discover the answers to your questions. These guys are some of the best in the field -

    Till later, I'm off to get crushed in Utrecht! (If you see someone with a Dutch flag around her neck, that might be me!)
  • Posted bykoen.h.pauwelson Accepted

    on research methodology: why only surveys? as you already indicated, it is not easy to get interviews with the right people. moreover, people can say one thing and do another, especially for socially desirable topics like sustainability. how about a conjoint study where you have them choose between holiday destinations that differ on sustainability, cost, prestige, fun-factor, comfort-factor,....

    funny Dutch remarks from the previous presenters - just spent 3 days in Holland and the enthusiasm is palpable


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