
Topic: Taglines/Names

Naming A Counseling Practice Focus On Freedom

Posted bykargroveon 250 Points
Trying to name my new practice. I want the focus to be on freedom. There are so many lazy names out there - and "hope springs eternal" names for practices and groups, and I don't want that. I don't want it to sound like a spa, a rehab, or a "rose colored glasses" organization. I am not a "Christian Counselor" or "Biblical Counselor," but my counsel IS faith based. I operate out of a church, but DO NOT want a "churchy" name for my practice because I want to draw all possible people to get help. My focus is not to get them saved, but to facilitate new ways of thinking and behaving that liberate or free them from their problems and issues.
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  • Posted bymgoodmanon Moderator
    It's not clear to me what you counsel about or who your target audience is. "Freedom" is a pretty broad topic. Is your service a personal one (as in "personal growth and freedom"), or is it mostly for governmental agencies (as in "freedom for all," and democracy and liberty)?

    A clear description of your primary target audience would help a lot. Where are they? (In a small town somewhere? Middle East? China? Africa? Other?) What benefit would they realize if they hired you? What/who is your competition?
  • Posted byMoriartyon Member
    Further to what Mr Goodman says, you need to find out what makes your dialogue with your clients special. It's not so much what you do, it's how you do it. For many it's the make-or-break in finding a counselor that can really help them.

    我想从你的东西saying that you have experience - so just ask those who you have really helped and ask them what they like about you and the way you handled their issues. Don't try to lead them (do I need to say that to a counselor??) and get simple direct answers. Sure they'll all be different, they'll all point in one direction: your uniqueness.

    现在的名字。我意识到是多么的困难deal with freedom of action. My partner has had real jitters about buying a property near Leipzig - he's had the kind of job where he was told what to do and when. Good practice for free decision-making it was not. One other issue is that freedom is always a matter of acting from out of your own self and your own resources, so becoming more free is often more of a case of understanding what makes you un-free. I think you'll understand where I'm coming from.


    Steps to Yourself.
    Step by step
    Stepping out
    Steps to choose
    Pathways to life

    all of which in the context of you being in a church may be a little too close to Christian Counselling.

    Freedom Focus
    Focus Point
    Freedom point
    Freedom pointer

    What do you think?
  • Posted bykargroveon Author
    Good points from all. I am a Licensed Professional Counselor in Texas, the Dallas-Fort Worth area. I have been in the field for more than 20 years, but spent the last five years in the drug/alcohol residential rehab field, so I am coming back to the general counseling arena - basically starting over.

    My target audience is broad. I counsel children, adolescents, and adults. I facilitate therapy with these people in practically any area of concern with the exception of grief, and other, more specialized problems.I know my strengths, and my limitations, as I have had plenty of years to discover more of them than I'd care to :)

    The focus of freedom is simply this: It is my hope that each person that comes to me for counseling is freed from the bondage that their issues have caused. To be able to function in life, relationships, professions, etc. without being dragged down by the "garbage" that has held them back is the ultimate goal. I am more of a behavioral therapist than one that spends a lot of time focusing on the past. The windshield, we all know, is much bigger than the rear view mirror, so RECOGNIZING the past, mistakes, errors in judgment, poor values, etc. is important, but the majority of our time is spent recognizing, restructuring value systems and thought processes, and moving toward the goal of INSIGHT into the issues that have caused them problems.

    I know this is lengthy, but I want to be clear about what I do, so I can get the best counsel from all of you.

    I am also a Life Skills Coach, and that is a part of my practice on a regular basis - to train people in basic areas of general life, professional life, etc.

    Thank you so much for your feedback. It is quite helpful. I look forward to hearing more from you. I have hired a branding/marketing firm, and so far their help with a name for the practice has not been what I had hoped for. That is why I'm looking further with an organization like this one.

  • Posted byMoriartyon Member
    Great to hear from you. One quick question - what did you like (or not like) about the names I came up with? I'm just asking because it can give valuable insights into the direction you want to take, which isn't really clear from the rather general things you wrote.

    Tell me: what can you do for someone who wants to keep the very things that tie them down? Many is the time that someone wants to be free, yet holds onto their shackles because otherwise it's just too cold outside!

  • Posted bykargroveon Author
    Those are both GREAT questions Moriarty!

    回答第一个,我可以的t say that there is anything SPECIFIC about any of the possibilities you posed. Do you ever go shopping for "something," but you aren't positively sure what you want, but you see something that just pops out as the right thing? I haven't yet seen (from anyone) something that just resonates with me. I know that's a vague answer, but at least it is truthful.

    In response to your second question, a person has to be shown, or recognize, the self-defeating or painful consequences for the issue that is tying them down. You know, we often become "best friends" with our worst habits. Although they do not help us become what we want to be, there is often a benefit to those choices that keeps us coming back to them. Knowing what a person's goals are helps me as the facilitator of change, show them patterns, triggers, and environmental factors that may lead them to those choices. Getting all of that out on the table helps the client decide what direction to go, or if they even want to change. My job is helping to paint the picture of reality for the client, then helping them with options on how they might develop the change that frees them from the "shackles" you so appropriately referred to. I can't do the work for them, but can facilitate the process WITH them.

    And since my office was once a server room for the computer system, it is often colder in here than it is outside - so THAT may in itself be a motivator :)
  • Posted byMoriartyon Accepted
    Thanks for those insights - I know of a few die-hard habits of my own (they're treated like pets, by the way).

    Freedom Server
    Client Chooser
    Walk on the free side
    Mirror Shackle
    Untangle's Tango


    You might like this perspective - Robert Graves (an English poet and Oxford professor) wrote about the Gordian knot and what it represented. It was then that I realized why Alexander (the Great) was so wrong. The knot was never intended to be untied, it was intended to be understood.
  • Posted bySteveByrneMarketingon Member
    A Life Less Shackled
    The Soaring Choice
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Member
    Turn Your Old Life Around
    Welcome To Your New Life
    Free Yourself From Your Old Life (Pain)
  • Posted bykargroveon Author
    All of your suggestions have helped me to narrow the scope of my decision. In that I would like to ensure that ALL comers are welcome to the services I provide (since my practice is housed inside a church), I have come up with a name that I feel will both share the message of hope, as well as invite the masses, rather than just the church members. I have decided to call the practice, "Freedom Texas Coaching and Counseling." My marketing and development team was excited about the choice, and is in the process of creating a "mood board" for me to further develop the theme of my website and printed materials.

    Thank you all for your contributions - God Bless You all, and . . .

    . . . FINISH WELL!

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