
Topic: Other

Emotional Intelligence & Construction Safety

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
女性交易很难被treated as equals to men and often leave the trades due work culture attitude dominated by men. Communication is an issue resulting in potential safety concerns to all workers on the construction site
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  • Posted bySteveByrneMarketingon Accepted
    This is a statement. Do you have a question?
  • Posted bymgoodmanon Accepted
    OK. Do you have some suggestions for how to change the culture, or are you just wanting to complain publicly?
  • Posted byMoriartyon Accepted
    I've been there, done it from top to bottom and I've gotten all the badges. Quite simply if I can lift it, I can make it and there's only a few guys out there who can deliver a better job.

    Now: your problem is twofold. One is the cultural aspects - so don't start me on Dutch tradesmen or we'll be here all night. You aren't going to change those any time soon, so either get used to it or get out. The other is the working practices within an existing company. This is easier to deal with as long as the owner isn't a bonehead. If he listens, fine, if not, forget it.

    If you are going freelance - you'll do fine. It's tough out there, and I would not advise anybody to start in the building industry in these times. However, you have the HUGE advantage of being able to listen to clients' needs. It's not that men don't listen, it's more that they've got so many pre-conceived ideas that clients' needs tend to get filtered out through this coarse mesh.

    You also have the advantage of not posing a threat to women in their homes.

    Put all that together and add a little spice of your own character (and your shortcomings!) you should be able to stamp out a customer base for yourself.

    Wishing you well!
  • Posted byMoriartyon Member
    You can embrace women in the construction industry by teaching the guys that they aren't the only ones who can drive in a nail straight. Just because they have muscles in their arms doesn't mean that they know they've got too much in their head.

    There are two kinds of master - which if you have ever worked with them you'll spot them immediately.

    The first is the kind of guy who will only speak to those who are genuine carpenters (or members of his trade) - that is they have the right uniform, the right underwear (ahem) and the right kind of motor.

    There are the second kind who are usually older - and a lot happier. All you need do is listen to what they are saying. Your problem is then to shut them up because there is just so much information you can take in at any one point. This kind of master - the genuine master - knows on sight where the talent lies. Male, female, black or blue - it matters not as long as you give him your ear.

    Were every tradesman of the second kind, you would have no problems.

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