
Topic: Taglines/Names

Please Help With A Name For My Dental Practice.

Posted bydrracanellion 375 Points
I am having trouble picking a name for my general and cosmetic dental practice in Las Vegas and I'm hoping for some feedback from the community. The practice has been established since 2005 and is in a professional complex in the growing Southwest area. I purchased the practice earlier this year from the previous owner who just used his name as the practice name. I would like to create a name and a tag line for the practice in order to create a brand. The name/ tagline / logo is key for me because it will be a key component of my marketing efforts and social media as I grow the practice.

The practice is a comprehensive general dental practice with modern, state of the art equipment such as digital x rays, lasers and same day porcelain crowns with Cerec technology. The office is new and has a nice look and feel, not super high end or fancy but very clean, crisp and comfortable. Services offered include all general dental procedures but also cosmetic/reconstructive procedures such as dental implants, porcelain veneers and adult orthodontics with Invisalign. We have a caring staff and provide a patient focused, painless experience.

I have been kicking around a few names but I am not convinced that they are perfect for the practice.

The first is Aesthetic Dentistry of Las Vegas.
I liked this a lot initially but eventually nixed it because the spelling of aesthetic is not easy and most consumers don't necessarily know what aesthetic means and how it can be used as a more refined form of "cosmetic".

The second one is Stunning Smiles of Las Vegas. I like it but I'm concerned using a name that doesn't have the word "dentistry" in it. I'm worried that it may be too "gimicky" and not elevated enough.

I want a name that conveys excellence, prestige, skill and will help us stand out from our competition.

Thanks for reading, I appreciate any feedback.
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  • Posted bySteveByrneMarketingon Accepted
    Miles of Smiles Dentistry
    Cosmetic & General Practice of Las Vegas
  • Posted byMoriartyon Accepted
    How about -

    Cheer up your smile!
    Caring for your smile!
    Cheering your smile
    Cheering smiles
    The smiling dentist [although that to me could be the title of a horror movie ... ]

    After all, what do people want? They want a nice smile - and for me, the reality of your professionalism will be apparent as soon as they speak to you or go to your website. Establishing your authority there in a way that's still open and friendly really works wonders for people who really dread dentists. Whilst it may not do you as much good as putting your Harvard logo on your website, it'll tell your visitors that you're the kind of person who'll take real care of them.

    Of course, people come to Las Vegas to enjoy themselves too ... finding a nice dentist will become part of that!
  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Accepted
    A name and a tag line will not create a brand; only time and people's feelings about the service and treatment they receive will do that. Why not just use your name and connect your address or some kind of land mark to name your practice? Or, how about Confident Smiles Dentistry: The Las Vegas Dentist of Choice.
  • Posted bydrracanellion Author
    thank you all for the responses, I am taking your feedback into consideration.
    What do you think about Stunning Smiles of Las Vegas as a practice name?
  • Posted bymgoodmanon Accepted
    I'm not as eager to see "Las Vegas" in the name as I am some reference to "Dentistry." I guess it depends on your marketing plan. Do you expect to advertise outside the Las Vegas area? How will people hear about you?

    There's nothing really wrong with "Stunning Smiles" except it doesn't give folks a clue as to what you do. Are you an orthodontist? Pediatric dentist? Photographer? Modeling agency? Maybe add a tagline that discloses what you do?
  • Posted bydrracanellion Author
    I like the idea of a tagline to help describe what we do.
    how about

    Stunning Smiles of Las Vegas -- Excellence in Dentistry

    Stunning Smiles of Las Vegas -- Providing Excellence in Dentistry


    any other suggestions?
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    "Stunning Smiles of Las Vegas" isn't personally appealing to me, mostly because I'm unsure if "Stunning Smiles" is what would appeal to your target audience. Why do people choose to work with you (instead of the competition)? What age range? Mostly general dentistry or cosmetic?
  • Posted bymgoodmanon Moderator
    Jay makes a valid point. How do you know "stunning smiles" is the most important benefit to your target audience?

    Separately, why "... of Las Vegas?" Are you concerned that someone from Miami might be confused if they happen to drive by? Do you think it isn't obvious to people who will see your signage where you are? What are you trying to communicate with "... of Las Vegas?"

    If you really love "stunning smiles," why not simply:

    Stunning Smiles -- Excellence in Dentistry

  • Posted bybriryson Accepted
    Some quick thoughts ....

    Dental Excellence
    Dental Solutions
    Premier Dentistry
    Premier DentalCare

    My own personal opinion - I like business names that convey what the business does, just hearing the name. Although I feel what you are expressing with Stunning Smiles, I immediately thought of photographer or modeling agency. Again, that's just my own personal take.

    Good luck and best wishes moving forward.

  • Posted byMoriartyon Member
    With reflection and consideration of the other responses, the smile may be better in the tagline.

    It's all a matter of how people are going to find you. After all, if they're looking in something like a telephone directory, "Stunning smiles" will stand out clearly - after all, you'll be in the dental section. If it's outside your office, it's going to confuse them because there's no context. If it's online, they'll be looking for dental treatment, and "Stunning smiles" will again stand out (just as it would with Google Adwords). They've already stated that they're interested in dentistry in the Las Vegas area.

    Can you see where I'm coming from?

    A few questions for you: you've been in practice which means you know a little about the people who you've treated. We need to know how they found you and where they come from. If they're locals, they'll be passing you by regularly; if they're visiting Las Vegas they'll need to find you in other ways. This doesn't mean you'll lose custom by focusing on one group, it means you'll get more of your better kinds of customer. Your name and tagline should speak to them.

    Over to you!
  • Posted bysaul.dobneyon Accepted
    Smile Bright
    Diamond Smiles
    Dazzling Smiles
    Amazing Smiles
  • Posted byDougMon Accepted
    Smiling Teeth Dentistry
    You Deserve the Best!
  • Posted bydrracanellion Author
    Thanks for all the posts and feedback, sorry for the delay in responding.
    Our patient profile is all locals, not tourists. The reason I included Las Vegas in the name is that there is another office in California using the name Stunning Smiles. Also I felt that having Las Vegas in the name helps differentiate us from other offices in the city that use Smiles in their title as well.
    I'm not 100% in love with the title though, that's why I'm seeking help here.

    I've considered all of the suggestions and some of them are very good but the names are already being used by other offices.

    I have come up with another idea though, and would like your take on it-


    The idea being that we are elevated in terms of our skill, being refined, precise etc... but also that our practice will elevate the experience for our patients with a pleasant painless experience, technology and superior customer service...

    I am kicking around some tag lines...

    海拔德ntistry -- Creating Beautiful Smiles

    海拔德ntistry -- Simply Beautiful Smiles

    海拔德ntistry -- Beauty and Health in Every Smile

    海拔德ntistry -- Creating Beautiful & Healthy Smiles

    Please let me know your thought and any other suggestions....
  • Posted bySteveByrneMarketingon Member
    To me, "Elevation Dentistry" sounds like you're located in the mountains. I'm not seeing the benefit to your patients.

    How about something like "Proficient Dentistry - Beauty and Health in Every Smile"?
  • Posted bybriryson Member
    I was thinking, maybe keep it simple - Healthy Smiles Dentistry, with tagline "Keeping smiles beautiful and healthy". Just a thought to play around with.

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