
Topic: Career/Training

Need A Catchy Name For Functional Development Prog

Posted byneerja.uttamon 125 Points
Hi, I need a catchy name for the purpose of internal branding. this functional development program is focusing on developing our people on functional capabilities like - analytics, robotics and automation, internal business exelerator framework and finance and accounting. Would be great if I can get some suggestions.
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  • Posted bymgoodmanon Moderator
    What is the purpose of a "catchy name?" Don't you not offer a real benefit to your target audience? Why not use that benefit as the name?

    Similarly, why the need for "internal branding?" Don't the employees already know who you are/what you do? Won't a "catchy name" just confuse them? What do they call you now?
  • Posted byneerja.uttamon Author
    We are known as the Capability Development function. The objective of this intervention is already mentioned in my previous comment. Yes internal branding is important when we are launching an initiative to create a buzz and interest of the participants in the session. Also to create more visibility in a large organization.
  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Accepted
    名字不“品牌”,他们的名字。经验是the things that do all the heavy lifting in terms of branding. Why does this name have to be "catchy"? Objectives are the ways by which you'll arrive at a destination. Please clarify what you mean by "developing our people on functional capabilities like - analytics, robotics and automation, internal business exelerator framework and finance and accounting." Are you talking about training your staff, or about something else? I'm asking these questions because it's not clear what you're looking for, and although you may think all you need to connect the dots is a name (which needs to be relevant and salient rather than catchy, in my opinion), you may need more than this, or, something else. Please help us to help you.

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