
Topic: Other

Seeking To Provide Services Business In Mumbai

Posted byrashesh.shahon 250 Points
My company is providing Engineering Design Consultancy Business from Mumbai and we own about 3000 sq.ft office space in Mumbai.

We are looking forward to diversify our business services and seeking to offer any services business (e.g. BPO, C&F Agency etc.) where we can leverage our presence in Mumbai India and provide value to our clients.

We would like to avoid any business opportunities where we have to market the product but seek opportunities where we can take support of our existing office space, computer networks and manpower resources to leverage.

We are open to make some initial investments if required.

We welcome any such opportunities or ideas from this forum.

Thank You
Rashesh Shah
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  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Accepted
    The better place for any kind of proposal like this is probably by way of an affiliated group on LinkedIn.
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Have you contacted your existing customers to determine what add-on services they seek/use to naturally grow your offerings?
  • Posted byPeter (henna gaijin)on Accepted
    Asking on a marketing forum about how to grow your business without marketing? Interesting thought, but perhaps not the right place.

    如果你不想市场,then going after new customers would be challenging. Even if you figure out a service to offer, you then won't be allowing yourself ways to promote that service to others so they could consider buying it (what marketing does).

    I agree with Jay - your best bet would be to talk to current customers to see if there is add on services you can provide and grow that way.

    Long run, you should figure our some specific services to offer and target those to people. A common problem that business people who aren't into marketing have is trying to offer everything to everyone, when the customers want to work with someone who has expertise in something.
  • Posted byShelley Ryanon Moderator
    Hi Everyone,

    I am closing this question since there hasn't been much recent activity.

    Thanks for participating!


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