
Topic: Taglines/Names

Vintage Jewelry, Antiques

Posted byjremincon 250 Points
I am going to start a face book page to sell my vintage jewelry and antiques/collectibles. I am looking for something catchy that is short and to the point. The brick & mortar store I used to own in town was "Timeless Treasures" but too may people have Timeless Treasures so want to stay completely away from that.
Collectibles sounds too thrift store so want to stay away from that too. Most of what I have to sell is my vintage jewelry (several thousand pieces), most of which are rhinestone so probably want that as the focus.
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  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Why not simply, "Vintage Rhinestones Jewelry"? Or, "The Best of Yesteryear"?
  • Posted bysaratogahikeron Accepted
    I agree with Jay, keep it simple and to the point. Are you marketing to anyone and everyone or primarily people within your general region? If a specific region, you should consider making that a part of the name.

    Vintage Jewelry - specializing in Rhinestone treasures of yesteryear

    Vintage Jewelry - Rhinestones and more!

    Vintage Jewelry - treasures with memories
  • Posted bychiron34on Member
    Nostalgic Rhinestone LLC
    ... we are your vintage rhinestone jewelry experts.

    Nostalgic Rhinestone LLC
    ... providing vintage rhinestone jewelry for every occasion

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