
Topic: Branding

Brand Positioning For Charity Group -

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
Large Charity group has SO many services; disabilities services, hotline telephone counselling, face to face counselling, financial counselling, children and female refuge... They do everything. In addition they have hundreds of retail stores where they sell second hand clothing. Money raised from these shops helps pay for all the free services they provide.

The used to have tag line of "That's what we do" which tested so poorly...that people actually said..."that's the problem we don't know what you do!". 97% of people interviewed knew of the brand or charity, however only 12% knew what they actually did. Only 7% were engaged to give to them.

We are looking at a possible re-positioning, new tag line etc... not sure where to start? Can anyone give me some suggestions. We don't have a lot of money to hire a branding expert.

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  • Posted byReadCopy Member
    I wouldn't necessarily look at changing everything, its worth looking at the tagline, which isn't very descriptive and seeing if that can be turned around.

    Remember, your tagline MUST mirror your primary benefit.

    想出一些新口号and research them, its the only way to move forward in my opinion.

    Not sure you need to focus on whats important, most big charities have the same services as yourself, and they help to raise your profile, but more importantly help the vunerable.

    Good Luck

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