
Topic: Taglines/Names

Choosing A Name For A Health And Wellness Website

Posted byalana_hayon 250 Points

I am trying to decide on a name for my upcoming website. It is a healthy recipe website (run by a Nutritionist) where users can search for recipes under nutritional benefit (e.g. immunity), dietary requirement (e.g. gluten-free), cuisine and meal type (e.g. dinner). Users can save recipes in a cookbook section. Users can also upload recipes on the website on the website. All recipes will be approved by a Nutritionist (Me).

These are the names that I am working with:
Nutrition Hub
Nutrition Luxe
Healthy Kitch
Aja Hub
Aja wellbeing
House of Aja
The nutritional stylist

(Aja is a West African Goddess that dwells in the forest, heals with the powers of herbs, and passes her bounty of knowledge onto her people. Her knowledge of herbal medicines makes her a wise woman, a healer, and a shaman).

Which name would be the best fit for this website that you can also purchase nutritional programs and health ebooks through?

I am leaning towards The Nutritional Stylist as it is a unique name, however unsure if it is a name that people would be drawn to contribute recipes to or buy nutritional plans from.

Your input is very much appreciated :-)

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  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    The word "stylist" sounds more like a fashion business rather than a recipe business.
    The word "nutrition" sounds like it'll focus more on health than deliciousness or ease of cooking.
    Since you're ultimately focused on nutrition programs and ebooks (rather than the recipes), what can you share about what makes YOUR programs better than the rest? Why should someone trust you advice? And who specifically are you targeting for your business (where are they located, for example)?
  • Posted bymgoodmanon Accepted
    Who and where is your primary target audience? What unique and important benefit should they expect when they become regular customers? Why should they believe/trust you?
  • Posted bychiron34on Accepted
    Hi Alana,

    我很喜欢您的连接Aja,但unfortunately, unless you intend to focus directly on a West African clientele, the reference will be meaningless. But even looking at a focus on West Africa, would Aja be well known across country borders? Would someone in Cote d’Ivoire, for example, know abut Aja as well as someone in Ghana or Nigeria. My understanding of that part of the world is that it is still tribal in nature and mythology does always cross tribal boundaries.

    Will you have direct competition for your project? If so, have you completed an analysis of those competitors? This is a most important function from the point of view of your long-term success.

    You seem to want to focus on the person in households who will be doing the cooking for a family, or themselves, and who may need to take account of dietary or health issues, but need to prepare enjoyable meals. That will predominantly be ladies. Therefore, use of your own name provides an emotional link that will not be duplicated in a more 'business styled' name So here’s a suggestion unconnected with your original range of names that directs attention straight to that base:

    Alana’s Specialty Cooking (Pty Ltd)
    … for special recipes uniting nutrition & taste for health & enjoyment
  • Posted bydaniel.kleinon Accepted
    Congrats, first off!
    I've helped with a handful of startups over the years and EVERY ONE OF THEM has changed their name 2-5 times. It just happens, and it's happened enough that I don't think a name is everything. That said, here are two cheap tips.
    1. Run a Survey Monkey survey where you purchase respondents who fit into your demographic. I wouldn't do a survey of less than 500 people, but it's a helpful start if you want "real opinions"
    2. Chose a name that wont be confused with anything else currently out there, but that is easily remembered.

    Hope this helps!
  • Posted byShelley Ryanon Moderator
    Hi Everyone,

    I am closing this question since there hasn't been much recent activity.

    Thanks for participating!


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