
Topic: Taglines/Names

Healthcare Pediatrics Newsletter

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Quarterly newsletter for a Pediatrics Department at academic medical school.
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  • Posted bymgoodmanon Moderator
    What is the purpose of the newsletter? What kind of content? What, if anything, is it replacing? What is the name of the school? Where? Is the primary target students or staff?
  • Posted on Author
    The purpose of the newsletter is to inform people within the Pediatrics Department at the Children's Hospital (staff, doctors, administration, nurses, etc.) about things going on in the department. Such as dept. news, human interest pieces, introducing new hires, philanthropy opportunities, community outreach, marketing, major announcements, research/scholarship, awards/promotions ,etc. It's kind of just an extensive blurb about things happening in the department, and an opportunity for everyone involved to be aware about. We're using this as a way to enhance and promote our mission of improving the lives of children and showing people how exactly we're going that. This will be going out via email to the department, and then also to other departments/units within the hospital as well so other areas are aware of the things that Pediatrics is up to.
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Is the name of your hospital relevant to the name of the newsletter? Are there any nicknames or mascots for your school that would be a natural tie-in?
  • Posted bymgoodmanon Accepted
    Pediatrics Newsletter
    Pediatrics Department Happenings
    News from Pediatrics
    [School/Hospital Name] Pediatrics Newsletter
    [School/Hospital Name] Pediatrics Quarterly [Newsletter]

    No real need to be overly creative on this one.
  • Posted byMike Steffeson Accepted
    Pediatrics Newsletter
    "What's Pediatrics up to now?"
  • Posted byShelley Ryanon Moderator
    Hi Everyone,

    I am closing this question since there hasn't been much recent activity.

    Thanks for participating!


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