
Topic: Branding

Positioning For A Telcom Research Company

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am in intern working with the R&D function of a telcom company. any ideas on positioning the research arm of a telcom company like BT for instance, with competitive advantage? Most of the competition is dabbling in the same ventures leaving them all on par. I don't want to position it with a 'we're number 1' or 'we're innovative' because in this dynamic segment, its very hard to say that you'd remain number 1 for long. Claiming innovativeness (or the likes) is like saying you have better quality. Everyone says they have it.
any ideas? I appreciate all feedback..

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  • Posted byReadCopyon Member
    Look at what attributes the market defines you as, or look for when wanting to work with such an business.

    Take you case in point, The market could be looking for Innovation and Delivery (how innovative you are, and are you able to deliver on the research findings).

    Create a 2x2 matrix using these attributes (using 2 just keeps it simple) and plot your position and the position of your competitors.
    That is your positioning in the eyes of the market. You can now use messages to underpin your position or use messages to change your position.

    Hope this helps, if you need any further assistance then contact me.

    Good Luck

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