
Topic: Branding

Branding A Software Portion Of A Product

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
We are launching a product that we plan to commoditize in the market.
Basically anyone who wants to sell this product will have the opportunity to put their corporate logo on the lectronics portion of the unit. There will also be a software portion in the product. Both portions will have a standard feature set. We also strategizing on a series of products that we will enter the market in a similar fashion.

Question our department is brainstorming on is: do we put our "brand logo on the software and marketing sheets, since we are planning on a series of products? or do we allow the distributor to put their brand on the entire product software and hardware

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  • Posted byPepper Blueon Accepted
    Let me give you a possible perspective from the distributors side of the negotiating table because I would think you want to look at it through their eyes also.

    In my business I use a number of ASP's to enable my service solutions. By default they have their brands displayed in different areas. Generally, I always ask them to remove it because I want my name and brand to get exposure.

    The reason is that in these situations their brand is not any better known than mine, to my customers. Thus, having their brand and not mine does not add any value in the eyes of my customers.

    On the other hand, putting my brand enforces and extends my brand - which I like!

    The exception to this is if their brand is well-known or better recognized, thus adding more real or perceived value such as "best-in-class" or high-quality i.e. "Produced by Mercedes-Benz".

    Then, I am more than happy to see their brand displayed.

    So, if you have a powerful brand, more powerful than theirs, than this is a good argument for keeping it displayed.

    Hope that helps.

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