
Topic: Research/Metrics

Page Views Not The Best Metric

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I need some good 3rd party sources that support what the best metrics are to measure on a site. Current standard is page views.
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  • Posted byPeter (henna gaijin)on Member
    The "best" metric is a mixture of what gives the most useful information along with what information is obtainable.

    Given this, page views, time on site, what pages visited, etc. are all easy to obtain, though not necessarily the most useful. This combination makes them the most widely used.

    Tracking the action your organization wants to happen on the site (for example, ordering your product) is a much more useful metric, but also much more challenging to track.
  • Posted byPepper Blueon Accepted
    Hi Lee,

    Here is a partial list of some of the most important metrics all of which should be tracked, in varying degrees, depending on your value proposition and overall emarketing goals and objectives.

    Source is common industry acceptance and experience as well as information provided by

    These are easy to track with 3rd party ASP services, such as those provided by the above

    Visitor's Paths thru Site
    Entry Pages to the Site
    Exit Pages to the Site
    # of Sessions
    Bandwidth Used
    # of Page Views
    Most Active Visitors
    Referring URLs
    Referring Search Engines
    Keyword Report
    Browser Report
    Operating System Report
    Pages/Files Requested

    Then of course is the most important metric which is measuring the conversion rate for your desired call-to-action, usually, but not always purchasing something. It could also be signing up for an e-newsletter or requesting more information for an offline bricks and mortar purchase.

    I hope that helps.

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