
Topic: E-Marketing

Please Can Some One Help Me Do A Competitor Asses

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
i need to create a website for a restaurant called sayonara thali restaurant in leicester. it currently has no website and its competitors do ... here are the competitors websites

indigo restaurant ....
bobby's restaurant...[inactive link removed]
sharmilee.......[inactive link removed]
please can u help me do a competitor assesment/ web reviews for these restaurants
thanx for your time

[Moderator: Inactive link removed from post. 2/14/2011]
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  • Posted byPepper Blueon Member
    Hi Pannamistry,

    If you create websites professionally, why are you asking for the experts help to review your competitors? This should be part of the service you are delivering to your client and getting paid to do so.

    And, if you don't do this professionally, and need the depth of assistance you are indicating, this is more than just a simple answer.

    You should then post this question on the "Hire an Expert" section here. Look at the column to the right, you'll see the link.

    I hope that helps.

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