
Topic: Research/Metrics

Holistic Quantitative Measurement Of Marketing Mix Elements

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I am looking in Western Europe for a qualified quantitative research tool that can help understand the effectiveness of the marketing and sales efforts (read: impact on purchase decisions). It should answer questions like: which channnels should I use (traditional media, internet, in-store activities, package, consumer promotions, ...), how should I allocate my spendings across those channels and how can I optimize specific channels.
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  • Posted byBlaine Wilkersonon Accepted
    Try going toGOTOAST.COM

    Thaey may be able to answer all your questions!
  • Posted byReadCopyon Member
    IF you drop some ideas down here about why you want to know and maybe we can help you.

    I have a huge amouth of experience about what happens in the UK market, and I know what will work for me, whats the most effective for different strategies and what percentage fo my budget I should be spending on what!

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