

Changing Design Based On Web Metrics

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
What are the best metrics to watch when adding a new page to a web site? Should I be watching page views, visitors, visits or is it best to watch a combination of those metrics? How do I know what to change in the design based on these metrics?
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  • Posted byPepper Blueon Accepted
    Hi SMS,

    A couple of other very important metrics are what search engine people came from, and what keyword or keyword phrase they used. This helps you build both your organic SEM and your pay-per-click with keywords people are really using, not just what you think they use, and can help you target what search engines to put your PPC resources into.

    I hope that helps.
  • Posted byROIHUNTERon Accepted
    I'm not sure if this is the same as Sanjeev Kumar Vyas but, I would suggest you watch your referrer log. Pay close attention to sites that you were not expecting. I am not talking about link farms and search engines, but sites that thought it worth their while to send a visitor from their site to yours.

    Review that site and take notice of the META tags and the type of content they have. This may give you insights into a new audience, or a new set of phrases that your target audience could easily associate with your primary target phrases.

    Hope that helps.

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