
Topic: Taglines/Names

Searching For A Good Name

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
i am searching for a shop name- woman's clothes.We have about 10 shops, clothes are made for woman 30+ old.It is a middle to high price level.We have classic models of clothes imported from Slovenia, Italy,Germany..I search for classy name with not compicated pronounciation for a market in Croatia.
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  • Posted bymgoodmanon Member
    Who is your target audience, and what's important to them?

    You need to interview 15-20 women in your primary target audience and learn where they shop now, what they like about these shops, what needs they have that are not being met today, how they decide on major clothing purchases, what shops they like in other categories (and why), etc.

    Once you've asked these questions and taken detailed notes on what they said, look through your notes and you will find some common threads. Your analysis will lead you to a positioning statement for your business -- a statement about the most important benefit your target audience will realize if they shop at your store.

    当你有定位陈述,分享它with us and we'll be able to help you with a name. Without that positioning statement, the best we'll be able to do is make up names that will most likely be off-strategy for you.

  • Posted byMushfique Manzooron Member
    hi ivana

    how about these...

    "My Fair Lady" (the Audrey Hepburn movie)
    "Dressy Dale" (you can use DD as acronym)

    hope this helps.


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