
Topic: Student Questions

Is Technology Making Us Lazy?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Clearly, there is a problem with the world and technology, today. I think technology is the problem, because it is making us lazy. If so, how is it making us lazy and how can we change this?
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  • Posted byCarl Crawfordon Accepted
    Humm it depends,

    in some ways it is making things easier and people are able to do more with the time that they would have spent doing the other task.

    eg you used to have to get up at 6 am and milk the cow yourself if you wanted milk with your breakfast, now all you need to do is go to the fringe and you get more time to spend with your family or sleep more.

    One way in which it is not good would be , Students and there homework :P ( no dig intended), for instance we get ALOT of people just cutting and pasting there homework on to the site and expect us to do there home work. ( Not accusing you of this). While just ten years ago you might have to go and read a book to steal someone work, now all you need to do is hit the return key and a few key words and bam you have your assignment. ( I don't do this and neither should you)

    Another example would be Americans aged 45 plus, i was watching TV the other day and saw a news program on CNN about Old people how PIMP there Golf carts, things like ones that look like branded cars ( BMW, Mersadies, Jaugare, Farrei) or have ones shaped like castles etc etc

    One guy was interviewed and said this when he was asked why he spent so much money to PIMP his golf cart, he said

    "All i want to do is Sleep, eat, and ride my golf cart around with my wife".

    here are some links which you migh find useful:

    These links took 30 secounds on, try having a visit towww.googleguide.comand take a tuotrial or two.
  • Posted on Member
    hello. My class have a debate and my topic is " Technology is making us lazy ". Can anyone help me with this ?? please. thz

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