
Topic: Student Questions

Looking For Where For Start Begining In This Case

Posted byfitienton 250 Points
for studying in copywriting
-news, offline( print ) magazine paper
- portal archives ( may be paid or member primium only are acepted )
- emailing list archives
- ebooks, hardcopy or softcopy are OK

any another stuff like that
please, please help me and get 250 points

thanks you !!
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  • Posted byCarl Crawfordon Accepted

    This member has a news letter on writing, which is very good.
  • Posted byMushfique Manzooron Accepted
    hi there

    for copy writing i suggest you to read the book, "Ogilvy on Advertising" by David Ogilvy. its the best.

    also i suggest you to have a look at all the Copy/Content and Advertising/PR articles at



    also check the HOW TO list on the article page of there are some good articles.

    hope this helps.

  • Posted bymgoodmanon Accepted
    david.glover's three rules are the keys to success in copywriting. Know your audience (really well). Define in no uncertain terms exactly what it is you want them to do. And then make a compelling offer in language that will get their juices flowing and make them reach for their wallets.

    There are some very good books and articles on copywriting. Look for the ones written by direct response experts. They live and die by the results they generate. That's all that matters to them, and it's really all that matters (ultimately) to all copywriters.

    David Oglivy's book is a good place to start. Also one by Rosser Reeves, "Reality in Advertising." (Reeves was Oglivy's brother-in-law. How's that for a piece of trivia?)
  • Posted on Accepted
    All of these points are great. What I find the most challenging is for clients to express their goals of the projects. It's more than just: I want more sales. I want more clients.

    When they answer generically I try to get them to give me a one sentence snap shop on what they think the article they want me to write is about. I also ask them to give me the title. This helps keep things focused.
  • Posted bybobhoggon Accepted

    Not sure from your question whether you are looking for specific references (i.e. articles, books etc.) on copywriting or just good general advice on the subject.

    If it's the latter, take a look at the website of a colleague of mine:

    If you click on "Free tips" on the top menu, you'll find a number of very useful articles about copywriting.

    Good luck,

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