
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need Help Naming A Formal Wear Store....

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
I have recently purchased a formalwear store (current name is Christy's Formal Wear) but I would like to change the name. I will have evening wear, tuxedos, accessories, prom, pagent, bridal, jewelry. My location is Grenada, MS. I am looking for something more elegant than current name. Please help!
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  • Posted bybusinessmachineon Member



    "Mesdames & Messieurs"


    don't be shy, any of them is worth your 500 :-).

    pax. clem.
  • Posted byMushfique Manzooron Member
    hi there

    how long this store (Christy's Formal wear) has been in the market? how is sales and consumer turn out? lastly WHY are you wanting to change the name?

    usually a store builds its reputation over time and enjoys a certain amount of brand recognition. once you change the name you are starting from zero and have build the brand name as well as reputaion from ground up and that takes a lot of effort and time. So i suggest you to pls consider these prior to changing the name.

    anyway, some ideas on names are..

    "Signor & Signorita"

    "Ladies & Gentlemen"

    "Formal First"

    "1st Formal"

    "Completion" or "Complete" (unless some one has formal wear, the wardrobe is not complete)

    "Only Formal"

    "Gowns & Tuxedos (G&T)"

    "Dresses & Tuxedos (D&T)"

    "Day & Night Formals"

    hope this helps. do let us know what you think.

  • Posted bybrowncatfanon Member
    Town & Gown

    The Nines

    To a "T"


    Decked Out

    Living Large

    Debs and Dudes

    People Will Talk


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