
Topic: Student Questions

Moral Considerations In Advertising?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
who should regulate advertising and why? is there a place for moral(as opposed to legal) considerations in advertising?
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  • Posted byChris Blackmanon Accepted
    The problem with morals is that there is no one clear standard or reference.

    它是道德展示广告s for fatty or sugary snacks when kids are watching TV? Or does that increase childhood obesity and lead to lifelong struggles with weight, diabetes, heart disease and cancer?

    它是道德展示广告s to tell girls where to go for help if they are single, pregnant and frightened? Or is that likely to increase abortion amongst that group?

    Is it moral to tell people to use condoms to prevent the spread of STDs like HIV/AIDS? Or does that encourage younger people to engage in pre-marital sex?

    Is it moral to show semi-naked bodies in advertising when the sensibilities of some cultures may be deeply offended?

    It's a core marketing principle that you need to understand your target audience well so you do not cause offence to them (because that might lose you sales). But that is a business principle, not a guiding moral one. It's predicated on the assumption the business is there to make money and grow...

    And where precisely is the boundary between ethics and morals? It may be unethical to advertise cigarettes to children, but is it moral to sell them to anyone at all?

    Tough question, I think one way to answer it is to itemise some contentious issues and analyse each of them from the viewpoint of contrary extremes, and see if there is an acceptable middle ground.

    The lack of a set of agreed reference points means there are really no universally applicable right or wrong answers here. What may be considered legal, ethical and even morally acceptable in London, New York, Amsterdam, Paris or Melbourne may be deemed immoral, unethical or even downright illegal in Riyadh, New Delhi, Jerusalem, Teheran, Lagos or Pyongyang.

    Good luck with the assignment.


  • Posted bySRyan ;]on Member
    Carrie, if this student abandons her homework here, give all the points to Chris!
  • Posted on Member

    Regulation in advertising is nothing but a part of CSR..Corporate Social Responsibilty.
    Any measure adopted by Corporate to increase sales or achieve targets should keep in mind the influence it will have on the society on a large scale especially when the product is consumed by masses or is likely to influence large segment of population.
    I concur with Chris that ethics has a thin line of discretion..what might be ethical to me, might not be for others but that shouldnt allow gruesome display of products which are unhealthy to the society on a whole.

    Perse Regulation of advertising is brought under broadcasting and communication. Advertisements like beauty queens are awarded depending on the content and the way of advert.
    Characterisitics of healthy advertisement would be:

    Meets the goal to advertise the requisite product.
    Is healthy in terms of display of content and message.
    Is not targetted at a particular group on the basis of their caste, race or religion, or anyother factor that may incite discrimination.

    hope this helped

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