
Topic: Branding

How Would You Define Branding For A Research And D

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
In the context of a research and development organisation that provides consultancy services, how should branding be defines
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  • Posted byReadCopyon Accepted
    Branding is banding is branding! In a new book I am writing on branding, I'm suggesting that businesses to not see branding as some wonderous marketing technique, but instead just imagine it as a friend.

    If your business was a person, and if you wanted your customers to be friends with this person, what traits must you convey to those people ?

    You would want them to see you as trustworthy, someone they could relate to, someone who would see them through the bad times, maybe be there when they need to contact you, someone who wouldn't rip them off!
    Then just transfer these values to your company.

    Hope this makes sense.
  • Posted on Accepted
    I agrees with AndrewS in that branding is branding. But it is more than just being what you want to convey...

    Branding is the communication of those values that you are.

    For an R&D company, you will probably want to have a brand of having the most educated and experienced staff, the best equipment, proven results etc. or whatever.

    Then be those things, then communicate through everything you do: all your sales literature, advertising, website etc.

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