
Topic: Student Questions

Similarities Between Brick & Mortar & Ebus. Market

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
what are some similarities between brick and mortar and eBusiness marketing?
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  • Posted byCarl Crawfordon Accepted

    You cant do this yourself?????

    Sit down and think about it,

    i will get you started:

    Brick and Morter = Building, store with a car park

    #They have customers
    #People buy products from them
    #They have a check out
    #的exchange money for the product in electronic forms like Credit Card


    etc etc

    Also have you done a google search?

    It is rough but you can refine it to get better answers, if you cant visitwww.googleguide.comto find out how to use a search engine effectively, people who can search will rule the world.

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