
Topic: Career/Training

Replacement For Mkt. Ass. Position @ Med Device Co

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I work for a great medical device company, dedicated to curing atrial fibrillation, a condition that effects 2.2 million Americans. I am currently looking for someone to replace me as the Marketing Assistant , due to the fact that I am returning to school to finish my degree. This company is awesome- and I will probably do project work here and there, but I really want someone who is aggressive, creative and can handle a very dynamic environment. If you are interested (entry level but tremendous growth potential), please leave a note and I can tell you more on a personal basis. Thanks everyone! Oh- I should say that the position is in Cincinnati, OH.
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  • Posted bymgoodmanon Member
    You might get a better response if you give one or more of the following:

    1. Position description and reporting relationship(s)

    2. Profile of the ideal candidate

    3. Salary range, growth potential, benefits, etc.

  • Posted bySRyan ;]on Member
    LMoore, you need to update theMy Profilepage so that members can see your contact information. Look for the link on the right side of this page.

    On the same token... anyone here who's interested in your opportunity should NOT post their contact data directly on the forum. (Spam hazards, you know?) They can email you directly or put their info in their own My Profile page.

    Good luck in school!

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