
Topic: Branding

Which Logo Should We Use?

Posted by Anonymous on 500点
On the link attached, there are several logo varieties that designers have proposed for our business.

Please provide your opinion as to which style/type might be most effective.

I'm especially struggling with the tag line. Should I use one that's descriptive/informative (ie, "Virtual Reality Imaging") or one that's Benefit oriented ("Let Them See It!")

The business is a virtual reality imaging firm that will be targeting corporate accts, toursism attractions and hospitality industry. We create multimedia presentations and web sites using immersive 3D images of environments. Our images are among the highest quality available anywhere.

Here's a sample:

Here's the link to the logos being proposed: (there are multiple pages)

Thanks in advance for your input.
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  • Posted byReadCopyon Member
    I like illumina's designs, but I think that you will find them hard to reproduce on certain materials, especially anything that is expected to be black and white.

    DosNeuronas's conveys the concept very well indeed.

    ruxique's is very stylist, clean and simple

    geek's is a little too 1970's for my liking!

    DosNeuronas's second set looks great, text maybe needs to be nearer the icon!

    oxygen's is maybe too futuristic!

    Summary: I'm between DosNeuronas's two concepts, I maybe prefer the first one, it nicely captures the essence of what your solution is!

    Anyway, thats my view, thanks for asking.

    Good luck

  • Posted byadammjwon Member
    I also go for DosNeuronas logo which seems to me the most appropriate.
    我还是I do not think you should be 100% happy with "let them see it" tagline as it should have more to it sort of " Just like being there" or " See it, feel it, love it"

  • Posted bychoughon Member
    My vote goes for DosNeuronas first effort. Techy, 3d, ownable, good colour combinations, nice!
  • Posted bykschindleron Member
    I'm not very fond of any: too Tron (remember that 80's flick?).

    I'd push them to create an image that shows a figure (genderless, ageless but clearly human) in the midst of "virtual images" (thinking geometric images, some translucent) floating around, above, below and in front but not obliterating figure (so needs to be translucent and lower)...360 degrees: demonstrating you put people smack in the center of the experience.

    When you animate it on the web site, the image appears like the images are swirling slowly around the figure, the figure is turning slowly in the middle, and the viewer is in orbit around the image: gently zooming closer and down, around and out, and back up.
  • Posted bymgoodmanon Member
    This is a strange experience for me. Where's the creative brief? If you don't lay out the specs, expectations, and criteria for evaluation, along with some background on your target audience and positioning, how can you possibly assess the design submissions?

    When people ask me to react to a creative product (like a logo design, for example), the first thing I ask for is the creative brief. Then I compare the submissions to the creative brief and select the one that best delivers the specs.

    Without a standard, or a spec sheet, this is just a case of "Which picture do you like best?" It's a subjective bake-off, and you're asking people who are not even in your target audience.

    Sorry, but this is a fool's errand.
  • Posted byReadCopyon Member
    Michael, theres a "creative brief" on the link, now it might be everyones idea of a full breif, but I think it does the job!

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