
Topic: Advertising/PR

What Is The Best Way To Promote My Site?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
My website is an online resource for mortgage brokers, loan originators, loan processors and real estate professionals.
The site is new, up for just two weeks.
We need to market the above types to increase membership which is free, and we also need to promote the advertising services we provide.
We are focusing on vendors who target the industry professionals as mentioned above.
What are some effective ways to accomplish this? Telemarketing to marketing reps? Mass Emails? Direct mail?
Combination of different forms?
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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  • Posted byReadCopyon Member
    我认为你的位置如何to promote it.
    But first, contact a few friendly customers and see what they think, ensure that the website, content and solution is as good as it can be.

    I would start my testing the market, my preferred method would be to use email and telesales, and invite a couple of hundred to start with.

    Find an email solution (// that can measure responses to your email and click through. It shoudl cost too much for the creative work, and you should only pay is emails are opened and linked clicked on.

    When you know someone is interested and clicked on your link (get a report from your email provider), follow up with a phone call to ensure that have signed up, found the service useful etc etc ... these calls can be done by someone in your office.

    If the test is successful, do a full launch.
  • Posted on Author
    The url to my site is

    So far everyone is giving helpful answers.
    The telemarketing that I was thinking of doing is basically just to promote the site and get visitors to visit and join. I know it will be tough to sell advertising space without visitors and/or members.

    So check out the site and let me know what you think!
    Thanks everyone!
  • Posted on Author
    I'm curious as to what exactly is giving you the opinion that it is an old site. I find this interestiing as you are the first person to say this or something even remotely like this.

    99.9% of the feedback I have received has been positive. Yours is the .1%.
    Did you look at all parts? The members pages, the members exchange.

    I am really interested to know what is leading you this way.

  • Posted on Author
    Thanks for everyone's feedback. I have posted on a couple of industry forums and it's been pretty good so far.
    I have a forums (Members Exchange) but not a blog.
    I do eventually want to update the style somewhat, but that will need to wait until I make some $$$.
    I worked at putting the site together totally on my own, and I started knowing absolutely nothing about building a site or anything.
    So I really appreciate everyone's comments and suggestions.
    And thanks for the info that a 2 is pretty good. I wasn't sure about that. That is very reassuring.
    The only other thing I have to comment on, is that I didn't realize that my font looked that much like Times New Roman, as when I put it together I had Georgia as my default, which was something I read somewhere was a good font to use for the web site. So, I don't know much about that.
    Once again, thanks all!
  • Posted on Author
    I don't know what happened, but I had selected two responses, the other was from bonnielbuchanan.
  • Posted on Author

    Thank you so much for your response! I have been working really hard to change things around and I appreciate your comments more than you know.
    Everything can get overwhelming at times when you are trying to do it all yourself!

    I would really like it if you could do me a favor and if you have the time check back in a week or so and let me know what you think,
    I am going to work something out with your suggestions and add some graphics to liven it up a bit.

    Thanks again!!

    Anita Bruton

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